Becoming temporary guardians

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Connie's POV

I can't believe that Ava O'Neil, my bad Evans is in my living room right now. I honestly thought that I'd never see her again in my life. She and her minions made my life a living hell in college.

You'd think that the mean girl phase would stay in high school, but no, she was in my Calculus class and she wasn't the brightest classmate but she had looks and popularity. She hated the fact that her boyfriend at the time was in my classes and he was struggling with keeping up good grades, since he was on the football team and he was the star, the dean, coach and professors approached me with an offer to tutor him.

Chad and I were actually friends in high school, but we weren't close, it was only when we were at the country club, golf course and family dinner parties, that we'd both sneak off and go sit by ourselves. I highly doubt that was why, Ava was so horrible to me, I never liked Chad, he never liked me, he was like a friend of the family.

"Selena, I just want you to know that I still don't like you, but I won't let that affect my evaluation, because I know that if I let my feelings get the better of me then it won't be fair to those two innocent babies" she said breaking me out of my trance, also shocking the crap out of me.

"I can live with that" I said.

"Right so, according to my notes here, you are both financially equipped to foster the children, even without the money from the state, well Mr DeLuca more than you Ms Hernandez" she said smirking, I nearly laughed at that, but I didn't. "As much as I adore this penthouse, it is far up and might be dangerous to energetic children, however that will be up to the kids if they like the place or not, but I suggest that you get a safer place with an actual backyard"

"We were actually thinking of buying a house in the school area, because we don't even live here full time, we live an hour away from the city and about two hours away from their school" Xander spoke and I looked at him.

"That is a great idea Mr DeLuca, I'm sure that your fiancee is also supportive of the idea" the pretentious bitch said.

"Mrs Evans, let's get the girls here to check out the place first and then we'll see what they think, before, we go wasting money on a house in the freaking suburbs that we won't ever use after the girls have gone back to their mother, once she's better" I said.

She didn't respond to me or anything, she just ignored me.

"Another thing, since Brooklyn is four years old, you'll need car seats and baby proofing. I just hope that you will be using the safest cars whenever you are travelling with the children" she said and I know for a fact that she's talking about the Lamborghini I had in college.

"Okay well, there isn't much that I need to assess about your materialistic things, you both will have to attend a two week foster parents training course, I will email you the details"

Fair enough.

"Okay, thank you Mrs Evans" Xander thanked her.

Urgh, I hate polite Xander, I miss the asshole, but in this case I understand why he is humbling himself, for the good of the babies.

"Now that we are done with that, we need to talk" Ava said, looking at me as she sat down on the couch. "Mr DeLuca, excuse us for a while" she basically ordered.

"He isn't going anywhere, say whatever you want to say in front of him"

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when he finds out what kind of person you really are" she said in what she thought was a threatening voice.

"What are you talking about Ava, what did I ever do to you, that made you have such hatred towards me?"

"Don't act dumb, you know what you did"

"I said, I fucking don't! So you either tell me or get the hell out of my home"

"You slept with Chad!" She yelled.

"What?!" I yelled confused "what made you think that I slept with him?" I asked.

"Days before the sophomore homecoming game, you and Chad were always together and he never had time for me, he always had excuses as to why he wouldn't meet up with me, he was being shady. So on the morning of the homecoming game, I went to the football house to surprise him but to my surprise, I saw you in his bed sleeping and he was already at practice" she said and I couldn't help but laugh. "What are you laughing at, this isn't funny, you slept with my boyfriend"

I finally calmed down when I saw Xander glaring. "Well miss-jump-to-conclusions, had you just confronted us like a normal person, you would have known that his grades were really slipping and he needed all the help, he could get or else he couldn't play the game, that had scouts, he had to build a profile for him to be able to get drafted after Senior year" I said taking a breath "You would have also known that, the day before the homecoming game, my friends and I were celebrating his improved grades with the football team and he called you to join but you said that you didn't have time to come to a meaningless college party" when I said that her eyes widened, oh bite me.

"That doesn't explain why you were in his bed" she said.

"I'm getting to that. When the party was over, we were all wasted and I lived thirty minutes away from the football house so Bianca and I stayed the night, he offered us his room, and he slept in Blake Henderson's room since he was injured and had to go back home to recover" I explained.

"But, Bianca wasn't in bed with you when I arrived" she said and I nodded, because that was true, my dear best friend ditched me in the middle of the night.

"She left and went into Adam Donovan's room, because they were hooking up at the time but kept it a secret from everyone else, well until that morning, when everyone saw her come out of his room"

"So you didn't sleep with Chad?"


"All these years, I've had it all wrong and ruined the best relationship in my life" she said.

Girl aren't you married? I want to ask but don't, by the look on Xander's face, he wants to ask the same thing. I just shrugged.

"Wait, so you made my college experience insufferable, because of Chad Blake? Wow"

"Babe you know Chad Blake?" Xander asked, his tone shifted a bit, I couldn't place it.

"Unfortunately, yes" I said disinterested so he would drop the topic and fortunately for me, my soon to be husband is a mind reader, so he just nodded.

Chad Blake is an All American player, he was on the starting line in his freshman year of college, he made co-captain in his sophomore year, then became captain throughout junior year and senior year. After college he was immediately signed into the Los Angels Rems and he immediately found his spotlight after his second game, when he scored the winning touchdown.

"I'm sorry for everything Selena, it was immature of me to be vengeful, it certainly didn't get me anywhere in life, whereas, he has a chain of restaurants all over America and he is the star of his team and is adored by the entire country" she said.

"It's honestly fine, I didn't let the bad things get in the way of what I wanted, I graduated top of my class, was Valedictorian, had a GPA of 5.0, I'm about to marry the man of my dreams and we can't wait to give all our love to these kids." I said honestly.

"That's really amazing, Selena, I wish you both a happy life, filled with more joy, excitement, love and success. Consider this an official 'approved' stamp" she said as she signed the bottom of her clipboard.


Yay, they are officially temporary guardians.
As long as the kids are safe, and provided with basic necessities, the state doesn't care much, but Xander and Selena are willing to go all out for these kids, they'd do anything and everything for them.

N/A! I'm sorry to everyone who read the first version of this, I had to change it up a bit but the storyline is still the same and I know that Xander has gone soft, but trust me, that is not the case at all, it's just that he isn't completely emotionless.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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