Office problems

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Connie's POV

I left the file room and went back to my office floor and into my office. I spent the next three hours going through my work laptop trying to figure out the whole file situation, I had suffered through the server to try and find any evidence to show recent tempering within the system.

Everything seemed to fine until I checked the backed up data from last month and it showed that there was an absurd login of a certain employee's access key card, it is registered to Fiona Bertram.

My eyebrows frowned in confusion, why would a thirty year old woman with no responsibilities want to betray her one source of income and what would she be gaining by doing so?

"Fiona Bertram, report to my office please" I announced into the intercom, honestly this isn't the kind of thing I hoped to arrive to after three weeks.

Five minutes after the announcement there was a knock on my door and I instructed the person to enter, when the door swung open instead of Fiona it was Xander.

"Wow, never thought I'd ever see you behind the boss's desk or an office desk in general" he said with that annoyingly attractive smirk on his face.

"You don't know me like that asshole" I said feigning a smile "what are you doing here it's not 4pm yet" I said while checking my watch to be sure and it was only 1pm.

"Can't a guy just drop by to see his fiancee during lunchtime?" He sarcastically said almost making me laugh, almost.

"Yeah whatever, I'm expecting someone so you will either have to make your way to the cafeteria or sit by the couch there" I pointed to the corner of the left side of the office.

"Expecting your boyfriend?"

"Fuck off"

"Fine, I'll just sit here and watch you in action, assuming this will be a business meeting, also watch the language it's not amusing" he deadpanned the last part.

It had been 15 minutes since I called Fiona to my office and she hadn't showed up yet, I pressed the intercom button up spoke into the microphone "Fiona Bertram, please report to my office this instant"

A few minutes later there was a knock and I told the person to enter, Fiona entered, her high heels clicking on the wooden floor, her hair let down on either side of her face, she wore a red blouse and black skirt and a shitload of makeup.

"You called?" She asked ever so rudely.

"Yeah I did, take a seat" I noticed how Xander looked at me when I politely asked her to seat down, Fiona hadn't noticed Xander's presence yet.

"So what'd you want that you had to call me twice, I mean you'd think you'd get the message when I didn't come the first time"

"Miss Bertram, I noticed that your key card had been seen logging in during odd hours, care to explain why?"

"Uhh s-sometimes I-uh I work late" she stuttered

"Where's the confidence at?" I mocked her New York accent.

"I also noticed how there have been a series of missing project files, past and present projects to be specific, once that will benefit a lot of people, not just the women shelters and schools but also businesses around them, so tell me Miss Bertram, why would you want to destroy your such opportunities?" I asked in a disturbingly calm manner but in a professional tone.

"Y-your father offered me f-five million dollars to steal the files, he never told me why he wanted the files" she said earning a a low brow from Xander in the corner, whom she still hadn't noticed yet.

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