No baby talk

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Connie's POV

After excusing myself from the dinner and conversation, I practically ran upstairs to my room, closed the door and plopped on my bed.

I had honestly thought that Xander's actions today were genuine and he was warming up to me, but I was wrong. I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I muttered and the door pushed open revealing Xiomara. She entered and closed the door, then walked over to the bed, she sat down on the bed making me scoot up and sit up with my legs criss crossed while clinging onto the white fluffy cushion.

"Selena, I know that all of this is a lot to take in and you might think that you don't want children now, but eventually you are going to want children and by the time this contract comes to an end it might be too late for you to have a successful pregnancy." She said trying to convince me. "Now I'm not saying that you and Xander should start having children immediately after the wedding, however I also don't want that gold digging brainless bitch to mother my grandchildren" she said with a disgusted look making me chuckle.

"Mrs DeLuca, I understand that the entire family doesn't approve of Veronica, but Xander loves her and I'm sorry but I'm not having children with someone who doesn't even want to be married to me, or even bare the sight of me for any longer than a few hours. I might know nothing about relationships and marriage but I do know that a child should be brought into a family that has stability and warmth, not into a mansion that has stability and warmth and with how everything is going so far, Xander and I aren't ready for bringing  a child into this world." I said hoping she will drop the baby talk.

"Sweetheart, I know that this scares you, I was scared too at first, when my family traded me for a business deal with the DeLucas, I was nineteen years old and I had just been reinstated in college for my second year but I was told that I was going to be a wife and when I met Rogelio the first thing I did was slap him" she said and chuckled at the memory. "I was so angry and blamed him for ruining my life, I was angry at everyone, my family, his family, at him but he was gentle and welcoming, he allowed me time to myself and I got used to my new situation and eventually him"

"That's romantic and all but Xander isn't anything like that, he's not gentle and welcoming, he's already in love with someone else and he is absolutely arrogant" I said and moved to stand up from the bed.

"Let me ask you something" she said and I nodded. "If Xander had been single from the get go, would you have tried to work on the marriage?"

"What does that have to do with anything"

"Just answer me, sweetheart and be honest not with me but with yourself"

"Okay, had Xander been single it wouldn't change anything because the things he said to me when we met and I was told that I'm to marry him were hurtful, he called me pathetic, lazy and shallow but had he been understanding and less of himself at the first meet I'd maybe be considering to give it a shot"

"So you like him?" She asked.

"In terms of learning to live with him, yeah I like him but romantically, I despise him"

"Understandable" she said "when last did you talk to your parents?"

"The day they basically threw me out of the house" I replied.

"Well they will be here tomorrow along with your cousins and the DeLuca extended family"

"What for?"

"To get to know each other better and have a DeLuca ceremonial tradition, but due to you and Xander needing to have a press conference in the morning we will be moving the ceremony to the evening, that way when you return Xander's aunties and myself will groom you on how to be a DeLuca bride"

"Uhmm okay" I said hesitantly.

"Yeah well you need to rest you have a long day ahead of you and trust me it won't be easy" she said as she stood up and headed for the door.

"Mrs DeLuca?"

"Yes darling?"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome sweetheart, now rest"

Falling asleep was a nightmare.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of something crashing outside my room, it was so loud that it vibrated through the entire room.

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, took a warm bath and contemplated my day, after twenty minutes I got out of the bath, drained the water and cleaned the bath. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked to the bedroom where I took my robe and wore it. I sat in front of the mirror and let my hair out of the ponytail and curled it down to my back.

After doing my hair, I did my makeup, I'm not a big fan of makeup so I did a lip combo of lip liner, red matte lipstick and a clear lip gloss, I filled my eyelashes with mascara and brushed my eyebrows. After that was completed, I turned to my jewellery, I put on a diamond necklace that was gifted to me by tia Andrea.

Since today is the day Xander and I are announcing our relationship to the world, we need to be presentable. I went into my closet and looked for a sophisticated yet sexy outfit and I found it.

My closet will never disappoint me, I wore a royal blue jumpsuit with black high heels.

Exiting my room, I came across four ladies I'd never seen before, they were carrying what seemed to be decorations and they were going up and down, I went downstairs and the second floor was even more busier, the decorations were already hung up and it looked amazing. The ground floor was even more crazy, the number of people increased and the decorations were completed and amazing, they really went all out for this ceremony.

"Oh sweetheart, there you are, Xander is waiting for you in the car, hurry up now" Xiomara said.

"Thank you" I said and dashed out.

I walked passed the four white trucks I'm assuming belong to the caterers and decorators. I spotted the Tesla and I walked towards it, I opened the door and got in.

"Well you sure took your time" he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"To the conference room of the Apollo Hotel, that is where my assistant arranged the press conference"

"Okay" I said and he drove out of the driveway and out the gate.

The drive was 30 minutes long and it was silent, no talking and no music playing, unlike yesterday. We arrived at the hotel and by the looks of it the journalists, paparazzi and news anchors were already here. One would be certain that the president was in town.

"Why are so many people here?" I asked in a nervous tone.

"Because Xander DeLuca has an announcement to make so no one wants to miss it, because he has the power of influence and there is no need to be nervous, you will be just fine."

"Reassurance from the guy who just talked about himself in the third person, great"

"Funny, just relax and don't overthink anything and besides Dante will be there so when you feel overwhelmed just look at him or me and you will be fine, now let's go pretend to be in love with each other"

He stepped out of the car and walked around to open my door, he took my hand and guided me out of the car, so I guess the pretending starts now. We walked in the hotel and the manager greeted us and led us to the conference room, which was two floors up, we arrived and the manager wished us luck and left. Xander opened the door and everyone's eyes were on us as we walked up to the podium in front.

Once we were up there I spotted Dante and Hunter whom I'd met once, he put up two thumbs up and a " you got this" smile.

Connie Where stories live. Discover now