Moving rooms.

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Connie's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and when they adjusted, I turned to find Xander still asleep. I looked at the clock and it read '07: 30'. I slowly got out of bed not wanting to wake Xander but my efforts were shot down by him saying.

"You need to rest" he spoke in a groggy voice.

"I did, for three days and now my company needs my attention" I said and he sat up.

"Baby please, at least let me call for the doctor and he can clear you to work" he tried to reason.

"Fine, but I'm choosing my own outfit today" I said and he chuckled. "And yours too" I added and he stopped chuckling.

"I don't need you colour coordinating my outfits" he said.

"Hey, just because I like wearing colorful clothes it doesn't mean that I will do the same thing for you. Besides I've seen your closet, you don't have any other colours other than black, grey, blue and gold" I said and he agreed.

"Don't you find it weird that we have to go back and forth between our rooms, when we could just have one room?" He asked not so subtle.

"Mr DeLuca sir, are you suggesting that one of us should move rooms?" I asked seductively.

"I'm suggesting that you simply join me in the master bedroom, you know move all your things and share a bed with me fulltime" he replied.

"It's not totally a bad idea but do you think that we are ready for such a big step? I mean we just started dating a week ago and until three days ago, our families had no idea"

He chuckled "that's all true but yes, I do think that we are ready for something like this, unless you don't think that we are ready" he said.

"Of course we are ready but I'm not moving into your bedroom, until you change your sheets, make sure that everything that belongs to Veronica is gone and add some colour, literally anything that will make it a less more depressing and a bit more homey" I listed all my conditions.

"Fair enough, but I've had Cynthia and three more maids do a deep cleaning of my room, last week and they deep washed all the sheets but they laid out new ones just in case. And about the whole revamping my bedroom though, I will only allow gold to be added" he said and chuckled.

"Nope, white or allow me to redecorate it"

"Fine, I honestly don't care, just as long as I get to wake up next to you" he said making me smile.

"Cute but nice try, I'm still redecorating"

"Can't blame a guy for trying" he said and I laughed and made my way to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and took a well deserved shower. Went into my closet and effortlessly took out the cutest outfit, a black mini dress with thin straps, a white cropped hoodie and white sandals. I styled my hair into half a bun and laid the edges, applied mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss. I then went out to Xander's room.

When I opened the door, I heard the water running in the bathroom. I went into his goth like closet and found a white tshirt, black jeans and white air force ones. I laid them out on the dressing chair and quietly exited the room.

I went back into my room and changed my sandals for my white air force ones. I finally went downstairs and to my surprise everyone was awake, well I guess I really shouldn't be surprised it is during the week after all and people have lives, school and jobs to get to.

"Woah, Selena, should you even be on your feet right now? Where is Xander? How are you feeling? When did you wake up?" Xiomara bombarded me with questions in a concerned maternal manner.

Connie Where stories live. Discover now