A DeLuca bride must:

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Connie's POV

Five, that's how many women were in front of me right about to tell me how to behave and present myself as a DeLuca bride.

"My child, my name is Sylvia DeLuca, I'm the sister to Rogelio DeLuca and Xander's aunt, as you probably know you are here in this to become a part of our family in a few months but becoming one has rules and expectations" she said so while looking at Xiomara. "Just a few hours ago you and Xander announced to the world that you will be getting married but before that happens there are a few things you must learn and keep secret about this family"

"Bella, my name is Antoinette DeLuca, I'm the wife of Gabriel DeLuca, I was once in the same situation as you not so long ago, I will be the one guiding you today and if you need anything do not hesitate to ask me or any of the ladies you see here, because we are all here to make sure that you feel welcomed and that everything goes accordingly" she said with the warmest smile and I nodded.

"Alright now, you aren't allowed to go outside until we are done" said Xiomara "Let's being then"

"My child, my name is Diane DeLuca, I'm the wife of Santiago DeLuca, you need to know the following things when it comes to the DeLuca family:
1. The Deluca name is important and feared by many.

2. Never do anything that will bring shame to the family.

3. When you are out without your husband, under no circumstances should you be in the company of any other man outside the clan.

4. Never be seen with anyone that is considered a rival to the family.

5. We are a mafia family, so do not go anywhere without any kind of protection.

My eyes widened. What, no way am I getting married into a mafia family. Is Xander part of the mafia as well? Why am I only finding out now?

"By the look on your face I'm guessing you had no idea. Well don't worry about that part of the business is mostly based in Italy, but we take precautions whenever necessary because it is an unpredictable business."

6. Never challenge your husband and never be disrespectful towards him, know your place as his wife and the mother of his children.

7. Do not turn to the media whenever there are problems between the two of you, turn to one of us but never to your former family member because the DeLucas are your family now.

8. Respect your husband no matter what he does, do not raise your voice at him and do not disagree with him.

9. Never anger him.

10. Do not expose him if he chooses to have mistresses.

11. From now on your name is "Selena Connie DeLuca" and when presenting yourself to other DeLuca family members state your position in the family. Just you heard how we introduced ourselves to you.

12. The DeLuca colours that you will be required to wear on occasion are black, gold, silver and white.

"That is everything you need to know about the DeLuca family darling, now onto the more practical and physical aspects of being a DeLuca"

"Ciao Bella, my name is Genevieve DeLuca, the cousin of Rogelio DeLuca and the daughter of Anthony DeLuca. This is simply the part where you will be taught to create the food that the DeLuca men hold sacred, you will be learning how to cook traditional Italian cuisines, but due to the lack of time you will be given the recipe book that was curated 90 years ago by Jocelyn Deluca and you will cook two meals from this book every day until you've cooked everything in this book and you will do so under the supervision of Emily, she doesn't have to be there when you are cooking but she has to report back to us every day as proof and only then will your training be complete"

Connie Where stories live. Discover now