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Xander's POV

While descending the stairs, I heard the voices of my dear siblings and parents. They were conversing and laughing, that's the thing I love most about my family, we are one well-oiled machine.

I got downstairs to find my younger brother holding my younger sister's phone above her head and teasing her, while my father was trying his best to not applaud Giovanni for snooping in Emily's phone, my mother was just over the whole scenario.

I walked in and Emily immediately ran up to me, almost making me lose my balance from the impact.

"Brother, talk to your brother please" she pleaded with sad eyes causing me to roll my own.

"Gio, give her back her phone" I said almost laughing at the silliness of their relationship as siblings.

"But brother, she hid my headphones and won't bring them out" Gio loves those things.

"Em, you know how much Gio values those things, give them back" I warned.

"Fine" Emily surrendered and moved towards the book shelf in the living room and retrieved the black headphones, she gave them to Giovanni and he gave her back her phone.

"Thank you, now no one is allowed to go and bother Selena, she wasn't feeling well and decided to take a nap and I don't think she will be joining us for dinner" I said and everyone looked at me like I was an alien. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just when did you start caring about Selena?" Emily asked curiously.

"Since I found out that she's going to be my wife, just because I didn't necessarily show it before, it doesn't mean that I didn't care" I defended.

"Poor baby, is she feeling well enough to take dinner in her room?" My mother asked.

"I believe so, yeah"

"Okay well you guys get ready for dinner and I will ask Cynthia to bring her up her plate and some medicine if necessary" she instructed and I nodded and went back upstairs to my bedroom.

I took a quick shower and changed into a white tshirt and grey sweatpants and wore my slippers.

Before going back downstairs, I stopped by Selena's room, I knocked on the door but there was no answer, just to be sure I opened the door and found the bed empty. I entered and closed the door.

"Princess?" I called out.

"In the bathroom, be out in a bit" she replied.

I sat down on her bed and waited for her to come out. A few minutes later the bathroom door opened and Selena walked out, she limped towards the bed, making me feel bad so I stood up and walked to her and carried her bridal style, and placed her gently on the bed.

"Thanks" she muttered.

"No problem" I said with a smile. "Oh by the way, I  told my parents that you aren't feeling well and don't want to be bothered, so Cynthia should be bringing you food in about 20 minutes and please eat, princess" I said the last part in a soft tone.

"I'll try" she replied. She sat up straight and leaned against the headboard. "Xander we really need to talk about what happened earlier" she said and I moved from the edge of the bed to sit with her and lean against the headboard too. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. She rested her head on my chest.

"Listen princess, I know that neither of us planned for that to happen and I would understand if you regret that being your first time, but I want you to know that I regret nothing. The only thing I regret is not ending things with Veronica when I first realised that my feelings for her weren't as strong as before. I really want to be with you, because despite all my efforts to put up a wall between us, nothing is working and the more I try to stay away, the more I'm pulled back in and I don't mind it anymore, because I'm done hiding my feelings for you" I said and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

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