Your Daughter?

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Connie's POV

I'm dreading to go into the living room, because of my parents and tia. Tia Catalina is the more mature sibling but when she and my mother cross paths, they both act like toddlers, fighting for attention and affection.

"Connie, I called you didn't I?" Tia asked and before I could respond my mother spoke.

"Her name is freaking Selena, she is my daughter and I raised her, she is mine" my mother said being all weird.

"Your daughter? Tell me what was it like giving birth? You did not raise this child, she was raised by maids, nannies and family members that you separated her from" tia defended.

"What on earth is wrong with you two? Can't you be civil to each other just for once? Please that is all I am asking of you!" I shouted and just then the Xander, Carlos, Giovanni and Emily came rushing in the house.

"Oh please, you've always preferred your Tia to your mother and I know that, you never loved me" mama said making me confused.

"You are my mother, no matter what you do, I will always love you and I've loved you forever. I know that you and papa, worked hard and all the time but you've shown me that your love exists, just not constantly"

Tia scoffed "I am tired of living a lie Ruby, she deserves to know the truth and if you don't tell her, I will" she said and my mother looked worried and stressed.

"If you dare say a word to my child, you will regret ever being born Catalina" she threatened through gritted teeth.

"What? You don't want me telling her that you are not her real mother? Because you are not Ruby, you may convince yourself otherwise but Selena is not your daughter" Tia spoke and suddenly I heard a loud ringing sound in my ear and my vision became blurry and my body was numb. I felt myself falling and everything became dark.

I slowly opened my eyes, my head was pounding, I sat up and noticed that I was in my bedroom. I had the weirdest dream ever, my mom and Tia were having their usual fight, only this time Tia said the worst thing ever to my mother. I looked around my room and saw that there was a chair next to my bed and a sleeping Xander on the couch, further from the bed.

"Xander" I called out to him but he didn't wake up. I reached for the light slipper on the ground and threw it at him, it hit him on his forehead. He jolted up and rubbed his forehead and held the slippers in his hand to analyze the object that hit him. He then looked over to the bed and I waved my hand at him and he stood up smiling and shaking his head.

"You know when normal people wake up after three days of passing out, they start by asking about their whereabouts or what happened to them, they do not throw their slippers at their boyfriends" he said as he walked to me. Wait three days?

"What do you mean three days? What happened to me?" I asked and he held my hand and rubbed small circles on it.

"You don't remember anything?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Xander what's going on? I had the weirdest dream ever, my aunt and my mother were fighting as usual and my aunt said something about me not being my mother's daughter" I said telling him my dream.

He took my hand in his and kissed it "baby, that wasn't a dream, it happened three days ago and you fainted. We called the doctor and he said you were just in shock and to let you rest and your body would wake up by itself when you are calm and settled" he said and I felt tears leaving my eyes. He wiped them and sat on the bed as he hugged me and did his best to comfort me.

"Why would they lie to me, my entire life I thought that they hated me because of something I did and now I'm not even sure if I should blame them or myself anymore" I said in between sobs.

"You shouldn't have to blame yourself either way, baby, you are not to blame for the mistakes of your parents" he tried to comfort me but nothing was working.

"Where are they?" I asked and he kissed my forehead.

"I sent them away princess, even after you fainted all they did was fight and argue about who is at fault and they were getting on my nerves, so I kicked them out and have been spending the past three days in here with you" Xander said and I looked up to see him smiling. I wiped my tears with my hands and threw my hands around his neck and hugged him tighter.

"You are the best. Did Carlos also leave?" I asked.

"No, he's been staying here and waiting on you sleeping beauty" he said and I chuckled. "Come on let's get you into the bath and all dolled up" he said and I nodded. I tried to stand up but he picked me up and walked to the bathroom, he drew me a warm bubble bath and I got in. He insisted on picking out my clothes for me, I was skeptical at first but I agreed.

After my bath, I went into the closet to find the cutest garden outfit ever. I don't even remember owning these clothes. It was a blue v-neck tshirt with a white knee length skirt that had a slit and cute sandals. It looked like something one would wear if they were spending the whole day in the garden, laying on a picnic blanket with a book and a few snacks.

I wore the outfit and to say that I'm impressed would be an understatement. I brushed my hair and applied lip gloss. Xander had gone out after getting my outfit together. I wasn't ready to go out and face everyone yet. All I wanted to do was sit in my room and watch Dynasty on Netflix.

I took out my laptop and logged into Netflix and started watching Dynasty season 3, the episode with Fallon and Liam's rehearsal dinner. Fallon is such a boss bitch, she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, all she cares about is her family and her business. No matter how much dysfunctional the Carringtons are she loves her family and doesn't want them to drift apart.

Halfway through the episode, Xander came back to the room. He had showered and was now wear a white tshirt with black sweatpants, his hair messy but still beautiful and he was holding a bowl of fruit salad. However, he looked like he hadn't slept well in the past few days.

"Come join me, let's watch Netflix and snuggle up" I invited him and he happily took of his shoes and got under the covers. We watched five more episodes, each episode 50 minutes long, before Xander fell asleep. He laid his head on my stomach and I was playing with his hair, his breathing was even and he looked peaceful. I checked the time to see that it was 20:30pm. I switched off the laptop and placed it on my nightstand and moved Xander so that he was sleeping on a pillow. I stood up and changed into pajamas and went back to bed.

The moment I laid down, Xander wrapped his arm around my body and pulled me closer to him. His eyes still closed and breathing even. We slept like that all night all.


Dearest gentle reader

Now, I don't know why I introduced this storyline but I did and I guess, I will have to run with it. I regret doing so but there isn't much that I could write about, unless I had time jumped to the wedding and honestly what fun is that?

I will do my best to make this new storyline good, but I am not promising anything, but the only thing in my mind right now is GEOGRAPHY. Yep! Eye roll.

So please bare with me if I don't deliver the best. Also please be mindful that this is officially my FIRST story and I am used to writing about teenagers and high school problems(Never publishing that btw, that story is safe in my laptop)

PS. Sorry for any future spoilers about Dynasty for those who haven't watched it but are still waiting for the right time. Also what the heck are you waiting for. That is the best series, after The CW productions obviously. 

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