Part 3

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The workers left the giant crates in the front of the pizzeria as they opened the old doors. As they rolled the crates in, they started to shake with noises coming from inside.
"Boss these boxes are moving and making noises" whimpered a 19 year old worker, his crate fell over and opened up.
"Wagner, You fool" the boss picked up the box and whatever pieces fell out of it. "You're supposed to keep these stable not broken" he went up to the Wagner and slapped his face.
"It will never happen again boss I promise" Wagner cried, he put the box back on the trolley and kept rolling till they reached the show stage. The worker stared at the old animatronics. He whispered "I don't think you're bad I still believe in you guys, these new ones are just crap they will never work like you did" Wagner sighed and kept rolling his trolley.
"Alright, now put these crates on that stage, wait no take those old things off first" the boss glared at the terrified workers as they steadily moved over to the old animatronics. Wagner was moving at a slow pace in his mind "I don't want to do this, i don't want to do this, I'm so sorry" as he placed his hand on Chica, he didn't feel metallic parts he felt soft feathers against his fingers. He almost seemed afraid but happy at the same time.
"Ew gross these are all slimy and cold" another worker squealed as she whipped her oily hands on her pants.
"If you cry babies don't want to do it then fine we will come back tomorrow to finish this job" with that the boss led his employers outside back to the trucks, not Wagner, he stayed. He was holding on Chica's shoulder and then let go.
"I know your not bad like the others say I mean nit cold or metallic your so soft and real" with that Wagner went around and touched each of the animatronics, none of them felt hard but all soft with fur. As he reached up to Foxy.
"Don't touch me, I'll just hurt you las" Foxy exclaimed. Wagner jumped in surprise.
"I knew it you guys aren't bad you don't wanna hurt anybody." He smiled and went back to the show stage. Freddy opened his eyes and looked at Wagner.
"You're not scared of us? That's amazing you still believe in us" with that Freddy nudged Bonnie, Bonnie opened his eyes and also looked at Wagner. Bonnie nudged Chica and her eyes opened.
"No I was never scared I loved you as a child you always made me so happy and excited to be here" Wagner exclaimed hugging Chica.
"Aw that's so sweet um I feel like I know you from somewhere" Chica said with a happy and confused face.
"Oh um you probably won't know me I'm one of the workers who were here to" Wagner's voice trailed off as he looked into Chica's realistic pink eyes.
"Here to replace us" Foxy spoke up as he got up from Pirates Cove onto the show stage.
"Yes that's it Foxy, but I didn't want to do this" Wagner replied as he moved his dirty blonde hair from his bright hazel eyes.
"Why didn't you want to do it kid, why not" inquired Freddy, he out his arm around Wagner and looked at him with his bright blue eyes.
"Cause I never like seeing people or things replaced, I hate the saying 'Out with the old, in with the new' I mean what's so bad about old things, they bring joy to new and older children and adults," Wagner sighed, "also these new animatronics, something is wrong with them, in their circuits I can feel it" Wagner pushed Freddy's arm away from his shoulder and sat on the edge of the show stage. Wagner started to get lost in thought, as the 4 animatronics gathered around him.
"Oh by the was my name is Wagner Marcus" Wagner spoke up. Chica looked at Wagner with a face of hope.
"That name....Wagner......Marcus......I feel like I know you, your hair those eyes AGH SO FAMILIAR" Chica exclaimed as she squeezed Wagner's face.
"Really.....okay um" Wagner was confused. "So um yah I used to come here as a kid and you know play around with my sister Samantha who went missing when we were kids, she was only 3, everyone thinks she was kidnapped, but I think she was killed." Wagner sighed again as he hung his head down.
"Samantha.....3 years old......" Chica started to smile, she hugged Wagner tight. "Hey big brother". All the animatronics stared at Chica in surprise.
"Big brother? What but huh" Wagner was dumbfounded.
"Yes it's me Samantha no wonder you were so familiar, I ran away here and I was killed by a purple man, big brother it's been years since I've seen you! Hows mom?!" Chica started to babble on as Wagner tried to absorb this all in. It took Wagner a while but then he then accepted that his little sister was a chicken.
"Mom is gone....she went missing after YOU ran away, she started drinking and then one day on my 16th birthday she went missing, I've been taking care of myself working a crappy job that barely pays me" Wagner explained as he cuddled himself next to Chica.
"Wait if you were 3 years old how did you make it all the way here you were 3?" Foxy inquired as he looked at Chica.
"I was what you could say very bright of my surroundings" Chica replied with a giant grin. Wagner spent all day with his feathered sister and her friends.
"It's midnight I think I should leave" Wagner got up and walked toward the door.
"You're coming tomorrow right?" Bonnie inquired, "yah you're so fun to have around well you being the only human who actually isn't scared of us" Wagner looked at his sister and her friends.
"I have to come tomorrow to inbox those animatronics so yah I'll be here, night guys" with that said Wagner left the pizzeria and walked to his home.
"Night big brother" Chica smiled and sat down.

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