Part 15

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The remaining friends followed the trail of screws to another part of the pizzeria , the puppet box. The trail ended there, the lid was closed
"The puppet, but why......he saved Bonnie from Mangle's grip?" Foxy inquired, Wagner opened the lid to find Daniel sleeping in there unharmed, the puppet was at his side, even though it was a small box it fit both the puppet and Daniel inside, he was stroking his head just like Foxy had been doing.
"DANIEL OH MY GOD YOUR'E OKAY!" Wagner exclaimed, he picked up Daniel in the box and lifted him in the air, but Daniel was still asleep so it was completely awkward. The puppet stared in amazement at Wagner.
"How are you so filled with love for this child, he isn't your child?" The puppet inquired, Wagner look at him and thought to himself "he wasn't hurting Daniel, he saved Bonnie apparently, and he asked about why I love Daniel? Maybe he isn't bad like the others" Wagner stopped thinking and answered the puppet,
"I have been with him for today and I now have feelings like he's my little brother, his mother I know misses him horribly, and I cared much to help find Daniel after a few minutes ago." his answer really didn't make sense to the puppet, but he took it anyways.
"Now why in hell would you take Daniel away from us hm? What about ol' Freddy and Lydia?" Foxy inquired, he started to grow impatient, the puppet answered in a smooth calming voice,
"It was them who took them away not me......I had to take Daniel, I didn't want to, they made me, so to find him I took some old screws and laid them around leading here" after he finished Daniel woke up.
"Mr. Wagner, this is my new friend Puppet!" Daniel exclaimed, the puppet smiled as Wagner put Daniel back onto the ground.

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