Part 9

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As Wagner opened the door to the storage closet, Daniel was bleeding. There were scars all over his face and his legs. Foxy lay on the ground next to him with small splatters of blood on his legs.
"What in hells name happened here?!" Wagner exclaimed as he ran over to Daniel and Foxy. Freddy stood up from the darkened corner and panted
"He came, beat the child, then left" Freddy's description wasn't very helpful to Wagner as he tried to think of who could've done it.
"In other words, those smiley so called kawaii animatronics came and beat Daniel, then said something about 'no survivors' well I'm not sure why he beat the kid but...we have this" Bonnie handed Wagner a piece of blue cloth. Wagner examined the cloth and came up with what it was
"It's from Lydia's shirt" Wagner exclaimed, to make sure it was he sniffed it. "Yah it's Lydia's it smells like melon perfume."
"The toys must have her hostage!" Chica exclaimed, she stormed toward the door, she put her wires on the handle,wrapped them around tight, but it wouldn't budge.
"So who was 'him' exactly?" Wagner inquired, Freddy bit his broken lip and stuttered.
"Balloon Boy did it, he's a small kid, no endoskeleton, he is so annoying, he's always saying 'hi, hello' then a small creepy kid like laugh." Wagner shook at the thought of Balloon Boy.
"Sounds like a creepy ass kid then huh?" Wagner looked over to Bonnie, he looked so different without his face, almost like nothing.
"He ripped off your sister's arms just so you know..." Bonnie said with his now robotic glitchy voice.
"Somebody, somebody, help me, help me, with this door, door" her voice was a glitchier then ever, it repeated every word.
"I'm coming Sam hold in there tight" Wagner removed his sisters wires from the door knob and twisted it, the 2nd time he twisted the knob it fell to the ground.
"You are kidding me, right?" Wagner started to punch and kick the door to see if it would budge. Daniel's eyes started to open again.
"Mr. Wagner? Is he back yet Mr. Foxy?" Daniel inquired. Foxy nodded his head slowly and pointed toward the door. Wagner was kicking the door, trying to see if he could knock it down.
"THIS IS BULL-" Wagner heard Daniel yawn before he could finish his cursing at the door. "Daniel are you okay" Wagner stopped kicking and walked to Daniel slowly.
"I'm fine I think, a little plastic boy hit me with a stick, they tried to take me away but Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy wouldn't let them take me." Daniel explained in his small adorable voice. Wagner sighed heavily, he got up walked toward the door.
"I've had enough of this toy business," he raises his hand and made a clenching fist, "I will destroy each and every single one of them till none are left in this world." With that his fists turned red with the hardness he clenched his fists. Chica looked at her older brother, she knew how much he cared for the protection of his friends, Lydia, and Daniel.
"Wagner...I'm coming with you" Chica whispered into her brothers ear.

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