Part 20

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"Dammit I left the plans inside," Wagner's boss opened the pizzeria door and walked inside, "I need to make some changes cause this is so-" he heard noises coming from the unconstructed part, and like any normal human being, he went to see what it was. Wagner's boss opened the door and saw Wagner in Mangle's grip, Daniel on the floor, and Lydia crying. Toy Bonnie looked over to Wagner's boss and glared.
"The hell is this mess...." Wagner's boss inquired impatiently, Toy Freddy than looked over also and went up to Wagner's boss.
"You didn't see anything, and just to make sure," Toy Freddy took one of Puppets sharp hands and rubbed them against the boss's face, then down to his throat, and lastly his chest.
"Hope you had a nice life" Toy Freddy quickly jabbed Puppets hand into Wagner's boss's chest, the boss fell to the floor with a mark in his chest, it started to bleed heavily. Toy Freddy gave Puppets hand back and looked at Wagner one more time. Toy Chica tapped on Toy Freddy's shoulder and whispered,
"What should we do with the garbage machines boss?" She pointed toward another dark corner where Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy lay powerless.
"I'm not sure TC?, how about we take out the trash" Toy Freddy replied, Toy Chica gave him a look that said "that was a terrible pun I just said garbage don't be so cliche.." Lydia tears started to dry fast as she took heavier breaths, and she thought to herself "how did this happen all in one night?" Toy Freddy stepped forward to Lydia, and bent down on the floor to be at her height. He lifted up her bloody chin, smiled and murmured,
"Such a pretty face, I would hate to see anything happen to it" he flicked her oily and bloody cheeks, and murmured again,
"Your boy had a pretty face like you, but look at him now, he's so tiny and helpless, oh wait," he paused, then smiled, "just like you"

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