Part 19

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Wagner and Lydia were the only ones left in the room, Wagner didn't realize that his sister and friends had been gone, all he cared about was freeing Lydia and destroying the Toy animatronics.
"Wagner, you need to go, they will hurt you badly, they will kill you!" Lydia cried as tears rolled down her bloody cheeks. Wagner looked at Lydia's face and thought of Daniel when he was beaten by Balloon Boy, same face and cheeks.
"I don't care if they do, I just want you to be free and be with Daniel, he misses you terribly" Wagner replied, Lydia's face was full of tears rolling down her cheeks. Lydia kept screaming at Wagner, and get he still didn't listen to her words.
"You are really brave Wagner..." A deep voice called out, "risking your life for this woman" the voice called again except it sounded closer. Wagner turned around to see Toy Freddy behind him with an evil grin in his face.
"So you are the one behind this..." Wagner exclaimed, Toy Freddy nodded his head as his friends came out from the shadows. Wagner saw the puppet also there, the puppets eyes were red with an evil glare.
"Like your friend Puppet, now he's one of us" Toy Freddy laughed, Puppet lifted up Daniel in his long arms, he was just as bloody as before when Balloon Boy had beaten him, and he was unconscious.
"YOU DOUBLE CROSSING BASTARD!" Wagner exclaimed as he ran to attack Puppet, but Mangle had knotted herself around his body, making him unable to move. Daniel started to open his eyes again, he couldn't see anything except for blood and blurry-ness. As Daniel's vision got clearer you could hear Lydia crying for her son.
"LET HIM GO, HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" She cried, Puppet still held Daniel in his arms. Puppet smiles menacingly and dropped Daniel on the floor harshly. Wagner stared in anger at Puppet's cruel move. Mangle started to squeeze Wagner tight in her grasp. Wagner started to wheeze, trying to gasp for air. Toy Freddy took a few steps closer to Wagner and went up to his ear
"You should've gotten rid of those old animatronics when you had the chance, you never should've met them boy, you never should've lived" Toy Freddy whispered into Wagner's ears. Suddenly Wagner felt dizzy, and passes out from lack of oxygen.

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