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Hey! For once I don't have a forenote. Just thought I'd say that I'm not scheduling this fan fic. Whenever I post is wherever I guess. Oh well~ MooseyGirl16 

-Yugo's POV-

"Why have you called us here today, King Yugo the Eliatrope?" the king politely asked me. I hated having people add 'the Eliatrope' or 'king' to my name. I sighed and prepared myself to reveal the worst "secret" I have had to hold.

"King Sheran Sharm, the Great Council of Twelve, my dear brotherhood, I have come with great distress and destruction under my belt," I began. I think I just don't like formality in general. "The Eliatropes come before you seeking justice for uncalled war. We just request that we can make peace with those of you who attacked us just very recently."

I thought about the terrifying cataclysm I had to face. My people had worked very hard to build the new Zaap portals, and now one of the kingdoms wishes to send us back into the Krozmos? It seemed so strange to me.

The Prince of Brakmar stood to speak.

"I would like to begin. I'm sure the hardships you have faced have earned your spot in the World of Twelve, King Yugo, but the random retaliations to law are becoming more predominate," he smirked, "Without our Zaap portals travel has become difficult for not just Brakmar, I'm sure, but for all of us." I felt one of my wings slowly slide  down the side of my head as a puzzled look took over my short-lived composure. I stood to speak.

"Prince, I don't recall a loss of Zaap portals other than the ones which have been destroyed over in the Eliatrope settlement. Can you please elaborate?" I asked him sincerely. He glared straight into my eyes with a fierce look that made me feel like my insides were twisted into a maze.

Adamai, who sat at my left, clearly noticed my fear because l felt his hands on my shoulder trying to put force to signal me to sit down. Realizing this, I sat quickly to hear the Prince's explanation.

"King Yugo, I'll admit that you are quite the actor. So sly and careful with what you say. Upper sweet voice can't convince me that this isn't a lie, though," he paused dramatically. I obviously looked dumb because Adamai did a face-palm when I looked at him. "I have seen with own eyes, along with my soldiers, your Eliatrope friends on multiple occasions destroying two of our Zaaps! Anyway, why would you destroy our Zaap to the Cania Plains, the closest way to the Sadidas and your settlement, if not to prevent us from being here as witnesses or destroying some of your own portals, King Yugo?" He sat down, smirking once more. Both of my wings moved behind my head.

I stayed seated as I thought about my rebuttal, but I got quickly distracted. 'Maybe to shut you up!' I yelled in my head. Adamai tapped my shoulders to bring my back to the meeting which has become more of a court case by now.

I stood and blamed him, saying, "So you had to plans to do so? Destroying our Zaaps? Prince of Brakmar, what are your intentions?" The questions made the Prince scratch his face. He looked like he'd boil over with anger he was so red with embarrassment. I sat pleased with the reaction as I felt my wings reposition themselves to face back normally.

The price shot out his seat and yelled, "I am innocent! I would have never done such a thing to a growing civilization! Brakmar has even provided you with some supplies shortly after you asked for assistance!" He was angrier than Ogrest at this point and he, very disrespectfully, left his seat abcs walked over to mine. I stood back up and Adamai instinctually followed to protect me.

"Prince," I said his name in a sing-song to catch him of guard, "What about your still ongoing feud with Bonta? You have never hesitated to harm its ally, have you?" The Prince tried to reach and grab my collar, but Adamai was miles quicker than him. I lightheartedly chuckled a little at the attempt of pursuit.

"In addition, what does this have to do with the Emrub Zaap? I am still wondering who figured it was a good idea to lock 50-60 thousand children back there. Do you just want to waste all of our time?" I asked more. The Prince jumped on Adamai, who lost his balance and collapsed with him as the Prince reached out in attempt to grab my ankles. Knowing that teleporting here was simply disrespecting all the leaders, he took a few steps back to stand on Pinpin's right, who had been on his right minutes ago.

"Prince..." The Princes advisor warned. "Prince!" She screamed as he scurried off Adamai and grabbed me by the collar and lifted my off the ground. I could have stopped him, but I didn't want trouble.

"Man you're strong!" I complimented him, unintentionally confusing him in the process.

"And you're just a child!" he yelled, using his free arm to punch my cheek. It didn't hurt much, but Adamai was irritated anyway. 

Seeing that I didn't react, he flung me to the wall of the huge dining room hard enough to shake the chandelier. I got up with pieces of wood caught in my hat and walked back over feeling more pain.

"At least that one hurt!" I remarked, laughing to not concern others. Adamai picked me up much like Phearys did and sat me in my chair regardless. I smiled at him kindly as he went over to his own chair.

Before he sat down, the both of us paused and exchanged glances of concern. Something was wrong with the balance of Wakfu and we ran over to the window disregarding the whole acts of respect from before.

"There's smoke coming from the forest..." I trailed off, glancing at Adamai for confirmation.

"Yes... I think that-" he stopped as he realized along with me.

"Wild fire!"

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