Chapter 7: You Don't Mess With An Eliatrope

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I watched in horror as the prince smirked and slowly grabbed the rim of my hat.

'Yugo, why are you terrified?'

'Uhm- nothing...'

"Prince please don't," I pleaded, but he didn't let go. He sat there holding my hat's edge as I panicked. If he wanted to scare me into honoring him, he certainly could ruin my life in a split second.

'Like that's true,'

'How long will Xenlyr be..?' I hesitantly asked.

'We're about to walk in,'


The prince of Brakmar, unaware of Adamai's and my secret conversation decided to actually follow through. I shut my eyes as I felt my hair being pulled slightly with my hat. I suddenly regretted being so snarky toward him, though I would never forget his reactions.

But, despite trying to be optimistic, my hat was now in the hands of people whom I barely knew, already hated me, and blamed me for worldwide destruction. Worse yet, I was on the floor with my hands pinned behind me being beat up by one of them. And, of course, an Eliatrope's best kept secret was note revealed.

Great start to kingship...

My thoughts were cut off of Adamai burst open the door with Xenlyr. I lightly chuckled at the prince who rolled his eyes at me in response.

"Get. off. him," Adamai commanded, running at us full speed. He didn't even notice that the room was off or that my hat was just lying there. The prince of Brakmar cowered a small bit as he saw the dragon approached him. He instantly let go of me, but didn't move an inch otherwise.

He tried to speak but Adamai quickly cut him off and grabbed the fluffy part of his coat. He was lifted into the air. 

I noticed how hurt my arms were as I pulled them out from under me.

"Iop brain... You don't mess with an Eliatrope. Especially not twice," he playfully reminded the prince through his gritted teeth. 

'Adamai, just don't hurt him.'

He huffed out a sigh of refusal as he dropped the prince, who slumped to the ground utterly shocked. I may or may not have smirked.

Adamai quickly changed his course of attention to me as I layed on the ground.

"Yugo, your shirt is stained with blood now..." he whispered aloud.

"Not the first time," I added, again trying to lighten the dense atmosphere of the situation. I saw Xenlyr pop up from behind him and begin to examine me.

"It's not just your shirt, Yugo..." Xenlyr said condescendingly, "I think one of your arms broke under the weight of the two of you, and there's some blood on your scalp. It's probably just from if he accidentally bumped into your wings, though." I looked down at my torso as I sat up in pain. Adamai laughed at his final addition, knowing it wasn't true. 

"Nothing too serious, though. It wouldn't even take nearly as long to heal as you last- erm- moment of impulse." There was an awkward silence as the other people in the room finally approached the scene. Adamai only let the brotherhood get close.

"Close the meeting; we can't continue under these conditions," he told everyone sternly as he turned around briefly to face them. I felt a murmur run throughout said crowd before they were escorted out after a moment of hesitation. The prince eventually got up as well after shying away from Adamai's help. That would be their relationship for a while, though.


Just Adamai, me, and Xenlyr were left in the room at this point. They moved the furniture against the wall and briefly cleaned the area for better examination results. Xenlyr looked at me concerned for a moment before I realized their off behavior.

"Xenlyr? Adamai? What are you refusing to speak up about?" I asked as I still layed on the ground. "What, did the prince take my hat with him or something?"

"I mean, yes, but that's not the point."Xenlyr responded, not making eye contact. 

"Yugo, you passed out at some point and absolute chaos ensued. There was no pattern, people running frantically throughout the castle, and panic anywhere you looked," Adamai sighed. 

"Why is that so important?"

"Because a Zaap was destroyed when you were and half of our camp is under immediate care."

"And you thought you could hide this from me? We're going down to change that status, Adamai, wether you prefer it or not."

He sighed again, "Can you even move?" It hit me like a truck as I realized how truly reckless I was. It's not like I normally pass out every once and a while. At least not that I'm aware of.

"Fine, but we're getting this over with! I'm done with waiting for the culprit to speak up and free Emrub. I'm never opening a portal there again. Do you know how draining it is, Ad?"

"You literally couldn't make it without me there and we were both exhausted by the end of that day. That's why we built that Zaap in the first place," he told me sadly.

"That's true."

"But this is all very good for us. You can't be blamed because all the Eliatropes were inside of the camp (or Emrub) at the time of the Zaap destruction. You were in the meeting, so it's not your fault. So now that we're off of the accused list, we can actually investigate soon," he added optimistically. 


"Later, Yugo, later. Xenlyr needs to work on you."

I huffed a breath of displeasure at him as I closed my eyes and layed back down.

"Do I need to give you Kerquek?"


All three of us shared a laugh as Xenlyr began.

Breaking Bonds (Wakfu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora