Chapter #1 - Metal

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"A Wildfire? What a diversion!" The prince of Bonta exclaimed sarcastically, sitting down in his seat displeased.

"It's not a diversion, Prince," Amalia interjected, "I can feel the trees burning..."

Most of the attendants stood, putting a pause to the meeting. King Sheran Sharm nodded to me, signifying that the brotherhood and I should go get further details.

I turned to my brother who nodded also at me, and I stopped my hesitation to make a portal outside.

I looked around and further identified the intensity of the fire. It was small, granted, but it was shifting quickly and burning the forest in front of me. The direction it was moving in concerned me now.

"The Emrub outskirts!" I screamed as Adamai appeared flying beside me. He nodded and we directed our attention there.

As we approached the sight, the panicked atmosphere was heavy along with the smoke. Even through the black dust blocked everything you could see, bright streams of Wakfu were running everywhere. The citizens must have not hesitated to try and withstand the flames in my absence. I closed my eyes and decided to rely on my Wakfu-vision until further notice.

I landed in a spot where multiple children had been surrounded and began to assist them.

"What happened?" I asked the Eliatrope on my right.

"We don't know much, but a small explosion caught the attention of a few traveling through the Cepciaro Zaap. Only two of them perished, but the third witness, though severely harmed, told us what he knew. They said that a Feca was a few paces behind him before he went in. He only took a few steps before he saw the man strike metal with a rock near the base of the Zaap. Ge quickly dispersed and then the metal exploded and hit a couple on their heads from behind." He responded heavy-hearted. I sighed as we finally put out a flame to evacuate the five of us in the ring of fire. They ran away to the village and I went to the Zaap. Teleporting my way there from above, I saw that all of those fighting were put in pairs. That was good.

I saw the newly made plain that surrounded the Zaap. What a sight it was. I saw multiple Eniripsas carrying other Eliatropes out of sight while around fifty to one hundred of them were teleporting burning plants into the nearby lake.

I spotted the broken slab of metal the little boy had mentioned and watched them burn. I needed to get rid of the slab. Teleporting onto the hot dirt, I swiftly picked up three chunks I saw. I figured that teleporting it between portals in the air would burn my hands just as much as direct contact would. 

I took a just a few steps away from the Cepciaro Zaap looking in the direction of the village when I heard a creeeeeeek through the sounds of fiery wood. I stopped and slowly turned my head to face it.

I saw an Eliatrope there standing still like a strong towe underneath the arch of the Zaap; except for their face looked bloodshot instead of confident. Dropping the hot slabs, I ran to the kid. Apon reaching him, though, I realized what had made the sound. The kid ducked and I covered him myself as the deafening sound cut throug my ears.

The Zaap was falling.

I lost my composure and froze just as he had. It leaned slightly forward, then forward but an inch more, before it crumbled under its own weight. I felt a few of the rocks cut into my back and hat before I was certain that a rock would rock me unconscious any moment.

But it didn't?

I realized that when the kid had curled up under me I must have grabbed him and rolled to the side. I wondered how I could have forgotten such a thing...

I opened my eyes to see the rubble of the portal had not only collapsed, but was sending pebbles the size of my fist right at us. I remebered the day I had built this Zaap with my own hands and Chibi's. It was only the first of many.

When the shower of rocks halted, I stood up and the kid teleported away like his life depended on it. 'This must be like it happens in those stories where when I turn around there will be a giant monster hurling itself at me.' I thought as I looked at back behind me. To my pleasure, I saw nothing.

'Strange kid.'

I regathered the pieces I had dropped, grabbing a few more before I ran to the general direction Adamai was in. I knew I was hurt when I saw his reaction.

"Yugo..." he scolded as he knocked the metal out of my hands, "What did you do to be bleeding out of both of your wrists, your back, AND your hat be scratched and covered with the same stuff?" I lightly chuckled as I leaned down to pick up the chunks of metal. Again. Adamai grabbed my forearms and pulled them above my head, lifting me off the ground. He shook his head.

"Ad... Let go of me. We have a fire to put out," I demanded kicking my legs before he squeezed them together with his tail. I rolled my eyes to show him that I knew what his plan was.

"No. You are going back to the Sadida kingdom to find your Eniripsa," he told me as he grew his wings to fly back there. I groaned in displeasure.

"But the outskirts-"

"The fire stopped just after that bang rang throughout the sky. Which, of course, I'm assuming you got caught in judging by your state." He moved me like I was I rag doll into his arms in a bridal carry.

"But how? Adamai, that fire was everywhere!" I exclaimed confused.

"You know that I will knock you unconscious if you refuse to stop talking to me," he warned. I did know that, though. I gently closed my eyes as to not see to damage done to the camp.

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