Technical Ending/Foolery Ending

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Not much to this- this is just the ending when I woke up and what I will build the rest of the endings off of.

Also the art is completely unrelated; IT KEPT ME AWAKE LAST NIGHT.

It also won't let me bold that for some reason *shrugs*.



I tried to process the thought as I froze up.


Adamai somehow called the crowd at some point and we all just sat at the table, knowing that the forest was burning and we were next.

Dally got my attention quietly.

"Hey, let's get going!" He whispered to me. I looked at him blankly without response.


I stood up and pushed my chair in without care. (As in first person and being Yugo in the dream, I have no explanation of why we ended up going.)((OK SO I CAN BOLD STUFF NOW, WATTPAD?!)) Dally followed, and we walked to a staircase at the side of the large room.

The staircase wound upward much higher than it probably needed too, taking us two minutes to get all the way up. I would have teleported us, but Adamai told me I was recovering and shouldn't when I was still in my room.

—-This next part I will cut out of this chapter because it's the most dream line of the entire sections of the story. It's irrelevant, makes no sense, and isn't canon for literally any reason. It's not what you're thinking. It's silly, though, and I thought it'd make someone laugh, so it's still going to be in here for that one person who really wants to know what delirium I have created. Again, this section is not part of the endings.—-

We reached the top and found a long corridor of hallways.

"Dally..?" I whispered cautiously, "Isn't this the Princess hall?" He nodded and smirked and a disturbing way.

"Dally... what are we doing here?" I pushed further. He shrugged as he nonchalantly pointed to a stampede of princesses toning straight at us in a panic.


I pulled Dally to the wall and we flattened as the princesses ran toward the staircase in hopes of escaping the fire, as I picked up from their barely interpretable screams. We waited what seemed like an eternity until all the princesses were gone from the hallway.

Dally grabbed a lock picking kit from a bath he had slung  over his shoulder at some point. He looked at a door that was on our right and stick solve tools into the locked knob.

"Dally......" I somewhat warned him. He ignored me and continued to do whatever we was doing. Having a bad feeling, I "kept watch" for him.

I saw one, small princess who was probably only four staring right at me. Regret set in even though we hasn't even done anything

"Dally are you done yet..?" I slowly asked.

"Yeah one sec."

*sigh * I'm really doing this... aren't I

"Excuse me," the girl spoke surprisingly clearly. I kept my eyes locked with hers and gulped. 

"DALLY WE'VE BEEN CAUGHT..." I aggressively whispered into his ear. He stopped for a moment, looking up from the door knob before just calling it off saying, "Then stall... I need more time!"

I sighed.

The girl continued, "Sir, are that rainbow one?"

I pointed to myself but she shook her head.

"The other one ~"

I nudged Dally, who let go of the tools in the door knob for a moment to stand next to me, looking at this little girl.

"Can I talk to you?" Dally shrugged and followed her away from me down the hallway. I saw her eyes light up as she said someone that I could not hear, but made Dally tense. Then he thought for a moment before he shouted at the top of his lungs,

"I PROMISE I'M NOT! RAINBOWDASH IS A GIRL!" I started laughing my head off as he came back running to me. The girl fell to her knees in the hallway, still, and curled into a ball on the floor.

"Dally, you are explaining that to me later," I jokingly demanded through laughs of pleasure. He was clearly uncomfortable or something dumb, anyway.

He grabbed back onto the door handle and unlocked it, flinging it wide in a prideful way as hee triumphantly shouted a "HAH HAH!" As loud as he could. He than grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside.

The room was tidy and without flaw. A giant pink bed was right in its center. Dally ran right for it and began throwing pillows at me, jumping on the bed higher than I knew was possible.

I have in and ran to the bed myself. 

I froze as I made eye contact with Adamai in one of the windows.

Take that where you'd like, because that's when I woke up. I'm out of here.

-MG16 (again)

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