First Ending - Part 3

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The three of us exchanged glances. The only one of us who could leave this platform safely was Adamai, but as he always said, "A flying dragon is a sign of great danger." We were stuck with what we had. On the other hand, Adamai could also mind read to Chibi, who could portal us all down if we tried hard enough. Thank goodness we had started training some time back before, well, the political mess.

"Ad, what about Chibi?" I asked, "He could bring me a spare hat and then portal us all down."

"He's only in training. That's reckless," he answered, somewhat as I would have predicted.

"Yeah, but I trust him in this! What are we going to do anyway?"

"I don't. He isn't ready to portal three people at once yet."

I signed a "fine" to him and then looked to stare at the ground in boredom. I could hear his frustrated sigh, though I ignored it.

"I'll call Grougaloragran and with any luck we'll find a way to get out of here," he said lowly as he gave in. 

A long silence followed.




I watched Adamai nod, supposedly in agreement to something.






"Alright they're coming," he said finally. At first a victory and then the pain of waiting. One of my weaknesses and I had to endure it in a, well, weakened state.

Though it didn't take long, Chibi and Grougaloragran eventually appeared out of seemingly nowhere. At least they were discreet. Chibi handed me and little orange hat to wear. It was small and a little tight, irritating my wings. I would deal with it until we returned to Elger Nouvelle though.

Chibi decided that he would portal all the way back and Dally and I could ride on Grougaloragran's and Adamai's backs. Adamai was skeptical, but agreed if he was careful.

Once we returned to Elger Nouvelle I basically crashed onto my bed in the recently completed castle built while I was in the Sadidas. I was exhausted and this was what I I needed. I took off the hat and buried myself in the covers in hopes of sleeping.

Now in a less tense situation, my mind returned to the political situation which was still crashing into a rabbit hole of pointless blaming. I could wait to return to that mess. I ignored the train of thought and drifted off into sleep anyway.

Greetings from Elger Nouvelle! To those of you who keep up with Memories, I apologize for the delays. This month was crazy and had a lot of changes that inhibited my ability to post. I will be continuing the series, I promise.

Sorry, again, that the chapter is short.I lost the sheet of paper I had my ideas on and brainstorming is difficult. I don't know if I'll post for this story more often or not, but if I ever don't fit a while, I probably haven't forgotten about it (this applies to about six months of delay).

Thank you!


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