Chapter #8 - A less chaotic return

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The next hours are ones I don't remember well. I do recall, though, that the rest of the brotherhood returned at one point and began to tell me about our old ridiculous adventures. At least and was in pain and occupied. 

Once Xenlyr decided that he was finished, Adamai carried me to my room in the castle and it was decided that I would no longer attend these meetings until I could be, well, safe.

Adamai still had to go though, and as time went on, I saw him less. At least the destruction was halted and rebuilding became an option. The only problem was that the culprit had not been found and that the rest of the world of twelve was in a deep crisis that seemed irreversible. 

Adamai walked into my room one morning and began to shout.

"Yugo, I know we said that you couldn't and wouldn't go to any meetings after now, but it is urgent that you attend one more meeting right now!" he told me, running over to my bed to help me up. I could move on my own, but I was still somewhat weak. "The Prince of Bonta tried to send a Cra to kill you in your sleep, but we caught them and absolute chaos is left. There is no more sense of formality at these meetings and it just seems useless! But, I've managed to gain respect, so if you attended the meeting there could be order. Yugo, please?" He begged. 

I sold in silence a moment before I nodded and walked out of the room. I could get there, anyway, it was only a few corridors away.

I got to the room promptly and heard them shouting even though the thick doors. Must be wise than I thought. I quietly cracked the fire open to peek inside.


As I peered my head inside silence fell over the room. The door was much louder than I thought, as all their eyes were on me. Adamai opened the door wider and pulled me inside with him.

"Sit down, everyone, we're not going shout this time," he yelled to the general everyone as we walked, "I've bright King Yugo for discussion."

'Ad, why are you being so professional? You know I don't like that label,'

'Again, you're highly respected while in the presence while in the presence of these people. Take advantage of it to get them to listen to you.'

'But I don't need to take advantage-'

'Just do it for once, ok? There's no harm in it.'

I would have sighed louder if I weren't highly respected but holding it under my breath was enough for only Adamai to hear. He ignored me as he still dragged me to my seat.

Funny how the prince of Brakmar is strapped to his seat across from my seat, I laughed in my head.

I watched the prince sigh before looking at Adamai, I slight look of fear spreading on his face.

"So it wasn't you who did it, and I 'apologize' for my behavior," the prince began, making finger quotes under the table. Adamai told me he did and that he knew because he was using his Wakfu vision secretly just in case. 

"The question is who did it," Adamai sighed, "Nothing else truly matters in the world except for where the chaos is coming from." He looked at me concerned, as if checking if I was uncomfortable before continuing. "But an apology will not be accepted."

The prince looked utterly stunned at Adamai's certainty in punishment.

"Even when peace returns to the World of Twelve, you will still be put in prison for attempted regiside, Prince," he added, looking him right in his eyes. The Prince looked away as soon as eye contact was made.

"Peace will come soon, I'm sure of it, Adamai," Evangeline added, reminding me that the brotherhood was still here. Her smile was very calming in a way, though, and I saw Adamai untense a little as he looked at his friends instead of the prince.

Food was brought out again. A long conversation was had, but I quickly tuned out the important information as I ate the plate of couscous, chicken, and carrots that I had been given. The food was a delicacy.

When I tuned back in some time later, the conversation never really escalated again, just like Adamai had told me it would go. I didn't realize that it was that important that I was there. I just thought it was a little thing. (Thinking about this fact, though, tuned me out once more.)

"I know who it is!" Adamai had shouted after some silence. He stood up and looked at the table figuring out how to fraise his sentence. I wouldn't deny that I followed his thought pattern myself quite well. 

A silence still heavied the atmosphere of the room.

"The culprit is most definitely-"

A screech interrupted Adamai's thoughts. Everyone in the room stood and began shouting over each other in panic.

'Ad, what's going on?' I asked him in my head as I way to look less stupid in front of the other leaders.

'There's a fire in the Sadida kingdom. We're surrounded'

Greetings from Elger Nouvelle. Sorry I haven't touched on this story in a while, I just have to figure out how to end this story because it ends really soon and abruptly. Leading up to this point, I may or may not add more than one ending because the ideas are definitely there.

Also I completely forgot about Tuto's birthday on the seventeenth because I was busy~ (Sorry Tuto). Well, overall I just have to interpret the ending(s) from mid-way through the next chapter because that's when I sadly woke up.

I'm done talking for now. See you next chapter- I guess?


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