First Ending - Part 1

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Dally and I approached the top to find a long hallway. It was empty and rather dark. We... couldn't see. Dally kept running into me and I was losing patience quickly. Our quiet footsteps were loud in the swallowing darkness.

"UUUUUGGHGHGHHH!" Dally dramatically shouted down the hallway. It echoed ominously and brought out the sickening feeling of uncomfortable stygian. Dally's repeated voice distorted, giving me a headache.

"Yugo, it's sooooooo dark in here," he kept complaining. I stopped walking and let silence fill the hallway again.

"Percedal," I began, trying not to sound aggressive, "Stop shouting before you blow my hat off. It gives me a headache." I could almost see him roll his eyes. Eventually, I stood back up and walked toward him once again.

"It's not my fault it's pitch black in here," I added. I heard him sigh before he began to talk to me once again even though I didn't respond.

I tuned out what he was saying at some point, trying to focus.

'... I wonder how long this hallway actually is.'

'What are we even going to do when (more like if) we find an exit?'

'Adamai is probably worried about us right now... I forgot to tell him that we left, didn't I?'

I sighed aloud, catching Dally's attention. I heard him stop walking before he called out my name again.

"YUUUUUUUUGOOOOOOOOO?????" he screamed. Oh well, it wasn't like this headache was going away soon anyway.

"I'm. Right. Here," I responded quietly in contrast with Dally's loudest yell which still echoed slightly. It echoed so far it just became a disharmonic hum in no time.

"Ah, sorry. Where was I? Right. I..."

I moved on, tuning the Iop-brain out again, and we kept walking.

Walking, walking, walking, walking, walking, and after more I realized I was an idiot.

"Ah... I should have tried to talk to Adamai at least." I said barely over a whisper. I don't think Dally heard, but if he did, he wouldn't have been able to understand over the foul hum.


I closed my eyes and tried to search for Adamai's wakfu throughout the castle. My head felt like it was throbbing as I realized how many people were in this building, along with the thousands of plants scattered about. This would hurt more than I thought...

Focusing in on him was difficult, but worth it. Whatever he was doing, he instantly acknowledged that I had reached out and began to speak to me.

'Yugo? Where did you go? Why do you feel terrible?'

'Ah, ignore that, Ad, I'm fine.'


'I am not a liar!'

Adamai slightly laughed. 'That doesn't change the fact that you're far away. When did you even leave?'

'I don't know... It wasn't long after the fire was discovered, though.'

'Yugo.....' he paused, 'That was hours ago. Take a break and maybe sleep. You might-'

"AH- !"

I suddenly lost connection with Adamai as I was brought back to the darkness of the hallway. I fell to the ground as this "headache" dilled in further pain.

'It won't stop, it won't stop, it won't stop!' I reminded myself as I held my head.

My wings felt like they were burning off. And that ringing! That stupid hum!


It became so loud. I couldn't tell if Dally was here at this point, or where he was, or if he was talking to me, or if I was still even conscious. 

I probably screamed. I knew it was my wings... I had to take off my hat. But what if Dally was there...?

He wouldn't have gone further on; he wasn't that stupid (not that I would admit that to him).

"AAAAGH!" It was just terrible. Who cared if Dally saw, I couldn't bear it!

I grabbed my hat and tore it upward, letting the cool air suddenly envelope my wings. The slight blue glow they gave off gave shape to the hallway. Turns out that we were sitting not that far from what looked like an exit, after all. As the pain slightly lifted, I checked myself.

I was breathing heavily, on the floor, cold, and curled up helplessly.

I saw Dally who looked back at me in kind of haunted state. Maybe it was more shock? As I tried to steady my breathing, I pulled myself into a position leaned up against the wall for support.

A long silence as I calmed helped, at least. Dally was quiet and had clearly realized the severity of the situation. I stood up slowly once I felt more stable and began to plod toward the exit-looking figure with one of my hands on the wall.

Greetings from Elger Nouvelle! I'm sorry for the wait; my sporadic schedule has left little time to figure out these endings. Also, this was probably the hardest section to write yet and its been fun.

SORRY THAT THIS ENDED IN AN AWKWARD PLACE. I don't usually write on Mondays, so there's a surprise.


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