Chapter #4 - Simply Put: The Worst of the Pain

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The second time I woke up was more pleasurable than the first. It must have been hours later because Adamai was curled up and sleeping by my side. 'So he never did leave,' I thought, remembering I had told him not to.

I decided to figure out where we ended up, but it didn't take long because of the easily recognizable culture here. I was back at the camp in my tent-like house. I tried to sit up, but everything in me told me that was the worst of my options. I just lying there, wondering what the state of everything was in silence, when Ad shifted a little. 

"Yugo?" I heard him ask in a whisper. It put me at a bit more ease to have him awake. I opened my mouth to respond, but I was parched, and I couldn't make a sound to him. I watched as Adamai sat up in my peripheral vision.

As he slowly shifted into more of what I could see, I noticed that he looked exhausted and felt anxious about more than one thing. He pulled me into a loose hug that I remained comfortable in. I was startled because Adamai normally refused even to touch other people when not necessary as he was a dragon. If even reached out to someone, it usually meant that he was or had been terrified to his very core. 

Seeing that I didn't respond to him, Ad sighed a simple, "Oh," and then fetched me a drink. I probably drank about four cups of water from him until I was satisfied.

"Thank you," I whispered, bringing into light how weak I was. Adamai nodded.

"How do you feel?" he asked, clearly trying desperately to begin a conversation with me.

"I feel like Qilby just used the Eliacube to totaly obliterate me, Ad," I answered, making him laugh a little.

"At least you're awake. You know, I don't think I've ever worried for you more, Yugo," he commented more seriously. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Why? What happened?"

"Yugo..." he started uneasy, "After I put you asleep for the second time, Xenlyr wouldn't stop muttering nonsense to himself about statistics and what I picked up was shaking. The Kerqek didn't even work as intended, you kept crying in your sleep and you even tried to reach me but I had to stay away from the field of operation, you pain clearly wasn't solved, and at the end of the nightmare, my brother, you slept for two days straight."

"Oh. Oh my goodness, Ad, I'm so sorry!" I apologized realizing the severity of his fear. I had underestimated something again.

"It's not your fault. You weren't aware of what the medicine would do because you were put under pressure and had mere seconds to react to the preposition," Adamai told me as he walked over to the door of the makeshift bedroom.

"Where are you going?" I slowly asked him curiously.

"I'm just getting Xenlyr before he gets preoccupied. It won't take me long," he answered. Satisfied with the answer, I closed my eyes and tried to relax without falling asleep again. Ad would probably hurt Xenlyr if I did, anyway.

Around what I guessed was ten minutes later, they came rushing in excited about me and I opened my eyes.

"Oh, thank Inglorium!" Xenlyr exclaimed as he looked at me from top to bottom, "If you're ok, then I might have made a medical breakthrough!" I tried my best to smile, but I was so sore and stiff that it would have been better to act paralyzed for the time being. Seeing my facial expressions, I assumed, made in frown in sudden displeasure.

"Let me guess, the numbing didn't have an effect on him..." he sighed, turning to Adamai as he asked, "Can I try something on him, or not?" Turning my head slightly to look at Adamai, I grit my teeth in the sharp pain. I read his expression which basically meant, "What, am I supposed to be his authority figure? Why ask me?" He addressed me in our link once more.

'So?' he asked me.

'What is he testing? Do you know?'

'He mentioned a series of needles used for measuring recovery. Although, I'm assuming that you would be screaming your head off by the end of it.'

I looked down at the bed sheets instead of meeting his eyes.

'Ad, you would be willing for a transfer, right?' I asked him.

'For you, of course I would. But do you mean my own-'

'Yes, Ad, don't finish that thought.'

'I have enough Wakfu for I think... two minutes and remain conscious at the end to talk to you,' he finished, despite my insistence. 

'So...?' I ended the conversation the same way it began. Adamai audibly sighed, catching Xenlyr's attention.

"Do you need something?" he asked politely.

"Xenlyr, we'll to the test. I just need two minutes with my brother before we begin, though," Adamai told him sternly. Xenlyr swiftly nodded and went off into the hall saying that he would go fetch his supplies. Adamai shut the door and came right back to my side.

"I'm ready," I whispered, looking up to the rim of my hat to signal him. He nodded, pulling it off of my messy haircut and instead laying it on the floor.

I sighed in preparation as he set his claws on the tips of my wings, sending a shock of discomfort through my veins. I knew when he had just begun as an overwhelming amount of his Wakfu collided with mine causing a feeling that could only be described as imploding, even though I knew Adamai kept me safe with the amount he lent me. We both sat there, enduring the pain in silence as Ad moved his tail over my mouth to keep my quiet while I was yelling uncontrollably. 

He finally let go of my wings and slid my hat back over my head. The radiating pusle halted and the pain vanished. I only let him do it because I knew it was the only way to dampen the pain without Xenlyr noticing it. I would be comfortable the whole time, but according to Ad, my body would react the same either way.

'Thank you, Ad' I told him through the link as Xenlyr walked in as if on cue.

"I, again, apologize for what you're about to go through. Having tested this method on only myself, I know that I could feel the needles even days later.

"Thank you for warning me," I said, nodding in acknowledgement, "It will make it more bearable for me if I know what to expect." Even as I said slowly it with confidence, I knew that the pain was unpredictable after Adamai filled me with his energy.

I slowly watched as Xenlyr adjusted my head to face back up. Now unable to watch him, I anxiously waited for what I had signed up for. 

One moment, 

two moments, 

and then I screamed louder than I thought was possible for my dry voice, despite feeling nothing at all.

I'm back hours later lol.

I remembered that I may not have specified that Kerqek also didn't exist as of the dream.

Also also, Kerqek is brought up later in, you guessed it, Memories: King's Return. I'm not really trying to plug myself because I don't care how many views I get (I sill appriciate everyone), but you should seriously read Memories at this point. Everything will make more sense. 

Third also, I HOPE THIS MAKES UP FOR A TWO HUNDRED WORD CHAPTER. Since it isn't prewritten, this process of posting has become a lot harder for me and I hope the story isn't that much worse than I perceive it to be. 1271 words (As of writing 1271) is a LOT to do for me, since I normally stick around the 8-9 hundreds, and I thank you guys for the lack of criticism.

 Thank you my three engaged readers!

Signing off (until five when I post Memories),


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