First Ending - Part 6

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'Wow... he really just said that...' I thought, staring at the floor blankly. I felt a tear streak down my face. I grabbed my other arm awkwardly. That was certainly news to receive.

Adamai still had to keep asking questions, though, which didn't help.

"How will this effect his next life? If this Stasis is eating his wakfu, will he even have one?" I shivered at the thought that this would be the last Aadmai saw me. The last time my kingdom would see me, even. It hurt.

"Well..." Balthezaar trailed off. He really had nothing to say. I looked back up and him as my tears became heavier. 

"Uhm, maybe Balthezaar should go gather the council..." he said, his tone spiraling downward the more he talked. Adamai then led me out of the room with Balthezaar and we followed him. We sat at a long rectangular table, one that would fit the ten of us.

The ten of us...

Before I knew it, the rest of the council was seated and Adamai began the meeting for me. I could barely talk and felt like ignoring this Stasis corruption or whatever it was. Maybe I should stop ignoring things, though, considering how that went in my writing...

"Dear council, Yugo has discovered that he has been corrupted by Stasis. In his journal, he noted that it was past him's fault, and Balthezaar confirmed his past deep interest with the energy. Though we don't know much, we came to the conclusion that, well, this might be the end," Adamai began in a way that certainly got the council's attention. I stopped crying to listen.

"Yugo himself, the past one, referred to it as a corruption, and, based on his entries on Stasis, it really is a power of destruction and could overpower his wakfu."

The council was silent. I mean, if you found out that your king was destined to die, what were you supposed to say?

Mina spoke up anyway, "Adamai, how far have you looked into the writings? Yugo might have writen about the way you can make wakfu and Stasis interact and with information like this, we could deduce how to separate the two and therefore remove the Stasis before it does more damage."

"I haven't actually read the journal myself. Yugo?"

"I... only read a few pages. It spelt my personality out and I couldn't keep reading. It was luck I read the last entry," I answered Mina. She nodded then motioned for the book, which I gave to her.

She opened it and flipped to the approximate middle, reading a few words here and there. She looked at all kinds of things and though I felt like my thoughts were literally being unraveled, it wasn't really me and had less meaning now.

"Pages you wrote for Stasis were written in a different kind of ink," she told us, multiple council members nodding, "I read a couple of paragraphs; this is definitely the kind of information we need."

Thanks to old me for studying this thing but also curses for the same reason.

"Like here:

  'In my study, I observed wakfu and Stasis interact and tried to make them mix but failed. They both filled this flower completely and yet repelled each other like magnets. I might leave this to sit and see the longer time effects of the interaction.'"

Phearys leaned over her shoulder to read some himeself. He looked fascinated.

"'It has been four weeks since I injected that flower with Stasis, now, and I'm revisiting it. I saw less wakfu then we started with, which wasn't supposed to happen, and the energies seem more... willing to interact. There was also less energy in the flower at all, like the wakfu simply disapeared and nothing was left in it's place, like it faded. It was like it was just a void where there wasn't wakfu or Stasis. I was able to single out a portion of Statis into the center of a part of wakfu, but nothing more. Not only that, but it was kind of hard trying to use my hands. I ended up using wakfu swords to interact with Stasis. I still can't get them to fix into one energy.'" Phearys read aloud.

Nora spoke up, "So we have to have an Eliatrope or two separate the wakfu and then we're good, right?"

"It makes sense," Glip whispered, also reading the entry. 

"Then we better go do it!" Efrim said excitedly, knocking me unconscious with a punch.

When I woke up later, I definitely felt different. I felt more free and less stressed and generally better. I was back in my room in the castle and still not wearing my hat. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my wings, which were calm and regular and purely wakfu. I walked out of my bedroom, not caring about my hat, and went out of the castle to sit on the steps. It was midday and the sun felt wonderful as it warmed my face. I smiled softly.

Being calm felt nice.

I assumed that what happened when I was unconscious was a success, considering how I felt.

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