First Ending - Part 2

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Standing at the exit, Dally and I questioned whether or not we should open the door that stood there. We felt we had no choice. After my headache/wing spasm thing, I had to find Adamai soon. I turned the handle.

Opening the door, we saw a balcony that looked over the forest. It looked like it had stopped burning, at least. This balcony was raised high enough of the ground that we couldn't do much about our situation. I shut the door. We couldn't go back, we had no reason to, but we couldn't get down. Unless...

Me and Dally exchanged glances. We were thinking the same thing. The option we were left with was my pure Eliatrope abilities.

But the danger...

I knew that it was already exhausting to teleport other beings beside myself, especially at the same time I was teleporting. Even if I were to just hope I wouldn't lose consciousness, I also knew Dally couldn't even stand going through a portal.

I sighed and looked out over the balcony.

"I know I'm not good at figuring things out," Dally began, "But what if you called Adamai? You know, with your guys' mind-thing?" I stayed silent for a moment.

"It's less dangerous than portals by far, but the headache..." I told him.

"Is that what is was? Just a headache?"

"More or less. It had to be caused by something though."

"The hat maybe? Your um... wings... wont cause issues anymore right."

I paused. My hat...

"My hat! Did I leave it in that tunnel? Dally, tell me you have it," I said urgently.

"Sorry, bud. It's in the tunnel."

Without another moment of hesitation, I turned around to the door. There was no handle to get back in. I felt my wings slide back down my head to the sides in annoyance.

"DANG IT!" I shouted. I looked back at Dally, who could clearly tell that I wasn't happy.

"Don't worry, let's just get out of here and talk about later," I finished more calmly. Now stressed about what I would do without my hat, I tried to talk to Adamai.

I found his wakfu again, but it was closer. I figured that he had started his way to find me after I just cut off the connection earlier.

'Yugo! Tell me what happened. I'm already on my way, but I still can't find you.' He told me.

The headache began to come back slowly.

'I'm on a balcony of sorts on the side of the castle. Dally is with me, and I have a headache that's coming back.' 

'Got it. Don't use your wakfu. I'll get there soon.'


Adamai cut off the connection himself, probably for my sake.

"Did you talk to Adamai? What did he say?" Dally asked. 

"He's coming soon."

As we waited in silence, all I could do was think about my hat. I told Dally not to worry, but I can't deny that I was panicking myself. The atmosphere was super awkward.

It didn't take long for Adamai to find us. He flew over to the small balcony and looked at me for a moment.

"Yugo, where did your hat go?" he slowly asked me.

"Behind that door. It can only be opened from the inside, though, so we'll have to get back into that corridor another way to retrieve it," I told him. He nodded.

"Adamai, can't you just break that door or use your dragon powers or something?" Dally cut in. Adamai rolled his eyes.

"I can't do that. It's a castle and it's definitely not mine," he explained, "Do you even know how chaotic it would be if the Sadida castle had a hole in it? Especially now, with all of the political division in the World of Twelve, it's dangerous territory to step into."

Dally just shrugged and said, "That probably makes sense." I laughed a little before refocusing.

"Adamai, we can't think of a way to get back down to the ground right now. Do you think you could go dragon here and let us ride you to a, well, area on the ground, maybe?" I asked. He nodded again.

"Yeah, we can do that. I have to know what happened first, though," Adamai said. I laughed nervously a bit and looked away to try and push away the subject. Just remembering that pain was terrible.

"Can we do this later?"

"No. Now spill," he said.

I sighed before saying, "It's a bit unclear what happened, but I remember details. We walked into the corridor, it was dark, Dally was yelling into my ear-"

"I was not!"

"Sure, Dally," Adamai challenged.

"Ehem," I cut him off and continued, "-and his yelling echoed in this long hallway forever. It got annoying, but then after I started to just get a headache. Then I thought, 'I should get you to figure out where we are,' and I began to search the castle for your wakfu and we began to talk and the headache got worse until I couldn't stand it and took of my hat."

"Is that when you screamed?" Dally asked.

"Probably. So I laid on the ground for a while until I felt okay and then walked out of the exit we found and shut the door which trapped us here."

"Woah, slow down for a moment. Out of all of the actions you could have taken, you thought it was a good idea to search the ENTIRE Sadida kingdom to find me?!" Adamai commented.

"Yeah I didn't think about that," I said.

"You need to think more, Yugo. Anyway, now that the Sadidas aren't literally burning, the newly made fields are filled with Sadidas who are growing it back as fast as they can. I understand that you felt okay doing it in the tunnel or corridor or wherever you were, but you need to get something over your wings before I fly you over the entire public," Adamai reminded me.

"Yeah, but didn't the Prince of Brakmar already show everyone my wings?"

"Just the leaders of the world, thank goodness."

"Ok, but how do we get a hat now?" 

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