First Ending - Part 5

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I finished up the eggs that Adamai had brought me and set down my hat on the bed to begin trying to examine my wings. I had no idea what I was doing or looking for. I sighed and sat down in the chair at the desk with the mirror and opened a drawer looking for something to write on. Conveniently, I found a journey with my name on it, a second and newer-looking journal that wasn't labeled, and a few pens. I curiously picked up "my" journal.

The cover was like a brown but slightly tinted a navy color material like leather, but this thicker and clearly not of the world of twelve. Sew on were swirls of wakfu to decorate the cover and the embroidery of my name, which seemed to actually glow. A strap made off the same material latched the journal closed.

I lightly touched the latch and brushed my hands across its surface until i find where you would lift it. It was clear to me that there was something special about this journal. Suspicious of it, I slightly lifted it up and held it there, expectant that something would happen. I felt suddenly more aware of the wakfu that was flowing through me. I noticed that the journal took a small bit of my wakfu, but nothing that would hurt or put me in danger.

Becoming ever more curious, I lifted the book open all of the way. I saw endless, neatly handwritten entries that went on for plenty of the book's pages. I was surprised when I realized that this was definitely my handwriting, just a much nicer looking variation of it. Looking more closely, I saw dates of when this was written and even, on every couple of pages, what could have been my signature in Dragonish.

Was this my diary in my previous life?

I stopped flipping and landed on a page marked Janularus 23. I glanced behind me to check that the door of my room was fully shut before I read to myself.

Chibi's being wild again. I swear, if his brother can't control him, he won't live once we leave this ship. They really need to start focusing on work again, I mean, they are what- 35 now? The two have always been chaotic, but I don't think that in any of their other lives it's been this bad.

Ah, to leave this ship again. I miss the Eliatrope planet and the peace it brought. Not only that, but because that idiot Qilby "accidentally" killed Ad, I haven't felt the same. I hope he's okay in our Dofus.

Haha that scientist will see his end soon. I'm sick of arguing with him about stupid things. Honestly, though, he didn't have to wage a war to prove a point to me, but he first understand much about social interaction to know that, probably. Anyway, it's only 24 years until Our Mother can re-establish our council and kick Qilby and his good-for-nothing Shinonome out of my kingdom with good riddance!

I stopped reading in disbelief. If I was that ignorant in my past life, no wonder Qilby hated my guts.

I guess my decision to, well, remove him wouldn't help my situation in the slightest. I started to doubt myself more. Was I really..... not worthy for rule?

I flipped to a new page, this one much further toward the back and marked Augusteir 3. I read, but this time I began with the assumption that I wasn't the best Eliatrope.

We have no hope left. It's very clear that the Mechasms have been slowly approaching our new planet for quite some years now, and I ignored it. Usually, I wouldn't admit to Qilby being right, AND I WON'T BECAUSE THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT, but I shouldn't have denied it.

A few Eliatropes shouted about the speck of red that break the darkness of the space sky and began to stir up panic and chaos days ago. Now, they're almost here, and there isn't much I can do but fight.

I'm savoring my last moments in silence before the first Mechasm had a chance to attack in approximately and hour. Time is short and this might be my last entry. This journal is most likely with Balthezaar or somewhere else when future me sets things right. It's sad, though, that so much wakfu has to be wasted recklessly like this! I wish Qilby would stay in the void of space alone sometimes.

If you, future me, are reading this, know that yes, the stasis corruption is my fault and I've left you to deal with it. Uhm- maybe don't tell Adamai, Nora, Mina, Phearys, Glip, Balthezaar, or Grougaloragran. They'll the ones that'll make you try and research it.

You're welcome~

King Yugo.

I immediately shut the book. Why did I act like that? Focusing purely on whatever the stasis thing past me mentioned was, I ran first to Adamai and frantically knocked on his door.

"Adamai! Come out please," I yelled at the wooden door. I heard shuffling before, sure enough, he was ready to help me again.

"What did you do this time?" he asked a bit sarcastically.

"I'll explain later. We need to get back to Balthezaar," I told him. He nodded and then ran off as I followed him. When we knocked on Balthezaar's door, he opened it as if he expected us.

"What did you find out?" He asked quickly, getting to the point.

"I found this journal in my drawer and opened it and read a few pages. Figured it wouldn't do anything," I began, "But I read this entry and I had mentioned something I called Stasis. I didn't know what it was, but I figured it was related because of the way I phrased it here," I finished and flipped back to the page with my "last entry" and pointed to the last paragraph. He read through it and glanced at my wings a few times as he did. Me and Adamai exchanged glances before he spoke.

"Oh, Balthezaar remembers your past experience with Stasis. It is the pure essence of destruction and, in your past life, Balthezaar and the rest of the council watched you play with its effects on wakfu. It was one of the things in history that was bound to happen once the Mechasms came to our world, Yugo," he explained. "Luckily, Balthezaar remembers what you did with it in the past. Balthezaar thinks that you had an accident you told none of us about and then mixed your wakfu with the bits of Stasis, practically infecting you. As for the part in your writing about it being a corruption, perhaps the Stasis is destroying you from the inside and only past you predicted it. Of course, when the Mechasms came, you sacrificed your life and this process mainly took place in your dofus. If this is true, then it is probably too late to fix what you did, Balthezaar thinks."

I looked at him slightly confused, but also curiously. What did the effects permanency even mean?

"That could explain why we were in the dofus for so long in the first place. But if I was there with them, was I effected?" Adamai asked. Balthezaar shook his head.

"You are not, Adamai," he answered simply. Adamai slightly nodded back. I looked down still thinking about what the effects were, what they would impose on my life and the kingdom's, and what all of that meant.

"What would Stasis do to my wakfu?" I asked, "Why can't we fix it?" Balthezaar frowned slightly.

"Stasis is a power of destruction as Balthezaar said earlier. If your studies had been correct in the past, it could be consuming your wakfu and taking over your body."

"WHAT?!" Adamai and I yelled at him. "Does it... kill me?" I asked seperately.

"Yugo," he paused and sighed, "Balthezaar has no idea."

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