Pt 4(20)

486 10 17

~Donnie's POV~

"Donnie! What the hell was that?!" I hear Nardo scream from behind me. I was using the flying feature on my battle shell to get home faster.

"He never acts like that... Why's he acting in such an aggressive manner?... Is it because of that criminal?..." I wonder as I ignore him, continuing on my journey home. I turn on some music and listen as the tunes wrap around my mind like a calming blanket. I hear the faint sounds of Michael threatening to "go all doctor delicate touch" on Nardo, and the continuation of his questioning and arguing as we arrive home to a confused Raphael.

"Take those off!" Nardo shouts as he yanked off my headphones, causing me to instinctively smack his hand as he pulled it away. I stare in shock for a few moments before trying to head to my lab, Raphael watching and walking towards us.

"Hey Leo... What happened? Did you catch the ooze-squito? Why's Donnie so-"

"Not now Raph! Donnie you are not leaving without giving me some answers! Why'd you want us to let her go?!" Leo shouts as he pushes past Raphael into my lab.

"I... I don't know! I just thought she wasn't a threat! That's it! End of story! I told you that, Nardo!" I scream back.

"Really?! That's it?! You don't think she's dangerous?! You don't think she's a threat?! That sounds like bullshit!"

"Oh riiiight~. Because you've never made any executive decisions for the team by yourself! Grow the fuck up Nardo!!! You aren't the only one who can make decisions on your own based on your own bias and personal experiences!" I scream back... Why did I demand that we leave her home instead of taking her into custody?... I'll ask myself that later...

"Grow up?! You need to grow up, Donnie! You know that I hate acting like this, but you give me no choice but to ask the tough question! Why do you care about this villain?!"

"... she's not a villain..." I mumbled out softly. Not even turning to look at him.

"What?! Say it again! Louder! Let me hear whatever sad excuse you wanna make for yourself being weak!" He screams back at me as Raphael and Michael watch from the door to my lab... they could feel the tension... it was worse than any argument that Leo and I ever had before... This felt personal in many ways...

"I said she's not a villain, Leo. Maybe you're just too much of a fucking idiot to understand that." I responded with malice appropriately placed within my words.

"I'm the idiot?! You're smitten for the fucking enemy!" He screams back, not missing a beat.

"... I'm not-... ugh... never mind... Get out of my lab-"

"No! You couldn't even give me a straight answer!"

"You aren't even straight."

"... You got a point there..."

"Now get out of my lab." I say as Leo stares at me in disbelief and disgust. He slowly starts to walk towards the door, slamming it as he slides the doors closed.

"Why'd you want us to let her go?!" Why did I let her go?...

"You're smitten for the fucking enemy!" Am I?... No... I just... I saw myself in her... Yeah...

I saw myself in that criminal... Those boxes of stolen tech were labeled with "sell" and "keep"... She was doing it to make money for her family... to protect them... the way she tried to keep her friend safe... She wasn't even wearing her tech armor properly and she stood in between my brothers and her friend, the snake children, the door out of the room. Even she didn't notice how she moved instinctively to protect her family and friend. She wanted to keep them safe... I knew it... But why did I feel this?...

Of Men and Mutants (Rottmnt Donnie x reader🍋)Where stories live. Discover now