Pt 19

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*Y/n POV, brought to you by an avocado... Thanks✨*

"Yin, Dearie! May I come in? I have fan-tabulous news!" (Idek if she's ever said that, jus seems like smth she'd say.) You hear the voice of Big Mama as you sit up, turning off your music from your phone. You put your headphones and phone on the bed, walking over and opening the door with your fresh clothes on. Big Mama seemed pleased with your style, hands clasping together in delight.

"Oh goodie! You're all nice and cozy! I'll be sure to restock with attire, more your taste, also if you like any specific fabric, colors, patterns, let me know. Oh! The good news! You can go ahead home. I found that, through one of my dear workers, you can have someone occasionally keep tabs on you. They won't always be around, only for a short time now, and you should know that they'll never interact with you directly." She cheered, smiling at you with a deep enjoyment and enthusiasm.

"Oh... thanks... But, I must be informed... Why does Baron need to train me?... I'm not detaining his specimen... Am I?... Surely not, I would rather fight things here than him, I mean, not cause I wouldn't wanna hurt him, rather because... Well... Uh-Have you seen his oldest brother, I-I mean. That guy could snap anyone like a twig." You say, putting up a defense against an imaginary threat to your ego and reputation. Your eyes linger anywhere except the eyes of the woman in front of you.

"Oh, well... Also, Yin, Dearie. You should find another portal. Anything but the one near here." Big Mama said, letting you leave the room. As you nodded in joy, grabbing your stuff, and sliding past her. You felt the beautiful chill of a breeze from outside approaching, throwing on Mona's extra clothes and mostly covering your face as you stopped right before the door.

"... The daggers..." You think to yourself, beginning to mentally bicker over wether you want to run back to the storage room, where you found your stuff in last time. You ultimately decide to do it, sneaking into the room, finding the daggers. Amongst your findings, you also found someone else's watch, utility belt, and safety gear, which you put on. You quickly made it back out, wearing Mona's extra clothes backwards and inside out and the wrong way all together. You did this so no one could even recognize your outfit.

"Outside isn't as nice as I thought it'd be for my first glimpse of sunlight in two days..." You think to yourself with furrowed brows. You move fast as you try to find another portal without being stopped by anyone who saw you previously running away from Big Mama. You spotted some odd pins of some sort, being sold for an obnoxiously high price. This ends up causing you to steal a large couple of handfuls as you walked by. You snagged maybe six or so, hiding them in the many thick folds of fabric around your body.

"Phew- that's all the buzzing crowds I can deal with today, thank goodness it's over." You say, suddenly hearing a fight in an alleyway. Should you intervene? No. Do you want to? No. Could someone end up dead if you don't get in the middle of this epic battle of the century? Maybe. Do you have a moral obligation to help? Fuck no. Do you like looking like a deity amongst these lowly peasants, worms and roaches? Fuck yeah.

"Looks like I'm helpin'."

*Rewind to just after Donnie and Leo spoke/Leo's POV"

"Donnie, I tried to get her through the portal. I swear-" I get cut off by a door slammed in my face. "-... I... I tried to help..." I turn away, knowing that I need to make him feel better. Buy him an Atomic Lass figurine? Nah, he has plenty of those... Make- Have Mikey make him something to eat? No... He doesn't like to eat when he's mad... I need to get that criminal bastard back for him. Never thought there'd be a day that I'd be stealing a criminal piece of ass from the Hidden City for my bro.

"I promise I'mma make it up to you Don-Tron..." I say, feeling worse about this than I sounded. I hurried to get to the portal to my favorite hidden, portal-power, mystic, Mexican restaurant. I rush past everyone, hurrying out the doors to try and find my twin's techno-heartthrob. I quickly begin looking around in any location that'd suit a confusing, hobo-looking, nonchalant, egotistical criminal.

"Hello?... Y/n?... I'm trying to help you now... For real this time- we'll, not that the last time was a lie. But this time I really wanna help you." I whisper-shout as I enter an alleyway. I walk around for a little while, finding an oddly lit alley with an eerie vibe. I make the "white girl in a horror movie" decision, hurrying to investigate it.

"Y/n? That your spooky ass? I won't hold it against ya if you need help getting outta here." I quickly question, still whisper-shouting. Suddenly, I see a shadow peaking over my shoulders, covering me. I know who it is before he even spoke.

"There you are... Not the one I wanted, oh well... You're going to need to work as my first completed specimen. Join me or die."

"Oh hey, it's Baron Drag-some-nuts-on-yo-" I started being a dick too quickly, causing him to punch me so hard, that I swung into a wall, dropping my sword. "-Ow! I didn't even finish my joke!"

"It was highly distasteful. Now, join me, my creation." Baron ordered as he stood over me, seeming more ashamed than mad.

"Hey! Big guy! Pick on someone your own IQ level!" A strangely distorted, annoying voice shouted. I soon see a weird person, holding two daggers of some sort. The first thing they did is grab a can from the trash and throw it at Baron as they spoke. I stared, caught off guard for a second by this weird person-thing. As Baron catches the can, crushing it in his palm as I rush to grab my sword that he'd kicked aside.

"Thanks, nerd!" I shout, trying to dive for my sword. As I do, Baron turned quickly, grabbing my ankle and slamming me into a wall again.

"My battle isn't with you and your attempt in altruism. It is with my creation-"

"Yeah yeah. Sounds lovely. Now, heads up." The person tried to trick him, I think. Suddenly they did a quick dash towards us, swinging the daggers.

"No! I'm gonna die! I didn't even give my pops any grandkids or drop you off a roof!" I say in a rushed tone as the person used the dagger-chain-thingy to swing to the other side of Baron. She snatched my sword- wait.

"Hey! Give that to me!" I shout, causing Baron to drop me like I was a useless child. I rush the hooded person, trying to take my sword back. They swing it back, standing in a particular fighting stance. Baron stared for a moment before going to attack, which gave them enough time to grab my arm and throw me through the portal.

"Hey!" I shout, realizing that they hadn't used my sword to open a portal. They used the dagger in their other hand... and soon, they crashed on top of me, using my back as a throne in an alley in "normal" New York.

"Ow ow! Hey! Get off- and give my sword back!" I shout at them, flinging them off my back.



"You keep just saying "sword" when it's clearly an Ōdachi. Use its proper name, not the disrespectful general term." They responded, making me stand upright and glare. They took off the weird makeshift mask and hood they had on, revealing...


(Word count: 1340)

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