Pt 32

119 7 25

Two days had passed since the new dream and you now refused to sleep for over an hour at a time. If you stayed asleep too long, you'd start to dream. If you started to dream... You'd hear him die again... You'd hear an older, more mature version of yourself screaming in agony as he let himself be torn apart before the radio cut out... You'd hear three kids crying and both of his surviving brothers weeping at the pod that should have brought him home...

You were walking up to your apartment after going to the library to study for an exam, knowing that your brothers and sister had already gotten home safe because of the tracking chips that you've sewn into all their cloth- I mean... You just knew... yeah... You just knew...

"Hey, Royal Emu Leader." You hear your older brother chime before noticing that you had the hoodie on. He didn't like it because you never explained who gave it to you.

"Hey, Lowly Magpie-Brained Scum." You respond, keeping the hood up. You were simply going to walk past everyone until you heard your older sister say something that caught your attention rather quickly.

"Wow, that coulda been nicer... So about the move-" She started, talking to your brothers. "-I don't think we should even worry about it. We're only gonna be living near auntie and grandma for about a year or so. But, what do you guys think?"

"Wait... What?..." You ask, a subtle tremble lingering in your voice.

"The move? We're going to stay with auntie because grandma isn't doing too well and she can't put her in a home. But, dad knows that she's not gonna be here too long, so we're going to be there for her for about another year... You didn't know? Mom and dad discussed it a few weeks ago." You heard her fill you in as you see your brothers nodding. You feel a ring of pain in your chest and head. It felt like the worst headache and panic attack thrown into one intolerable experience.

"No... I-I didn't get information on this until now... We're leaving because of the grandmother we never knew and the auntie that's talked shit about our family ever since dad started dating mom?..." You ask, sounding disgusted at the concept.

"She's dying. At least try to feel bad for her." Your little brother said, trying to make this all sound more heartbreaking for her.

"No. I didn't even know her. She saw a picture of all of us one summer when I had my hair cut really short, and as an insult, she asked mom on Headnote(Facebook) who the ugly boy was. I don't feel bad and I don't like lying." You said plainly. Did it seem wrong to hold grudges against people who are now dying? Yes. Did you care? No. The woman didn't care about your family, yet you all gave everything you had to offer. All in hopes that people would care even half as much as you did.

"Fine. Maybe talk to Montana or your boyfriend about it." You hear your older brother say as you walked to your room. You closed the door, looking at the walls. You had to give Montana some of your inventions and the weapons to Big Mama. It would only be a year. She should understand... You messaged her with your watch, letting her know that the dance-not was going to be finished tonight. She responded with joy at the thought.

"Oh fuck, she figured out how to call?" You asked yourself as you answered and linked it to your wireless earbuds.

"Hello, this is the town of unrecognized talent. Population, me. What may yours truly converse with you about?" You ask, pausing in your room.

"Yin, dearie. I'd like to let you know that we're having a little party, but I'd like to have you come here as soon as possible to discuss it. Okay? I'll be waiting in your room." She said, not giving you a chance to question it. You rolled your eyes, knowing that she loves having parties, but you never really go. Why? You're too busy. You hate crowds. You hate being in loud environments unless you're prepared ahead of time. You don't dance well under pressure. You can't handle the idea of picking an outfit for a "big party" kind of event.

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