Pt 43

121 9 2

While you were gone, Donatello, at about early week 29, woke with a good idea. He had arisen to try to call you after all his texts, but you let it go to voicemail, as you hadn't your phone with you. He continues to act like a lost puppy for a while after his attempt to steal the Ōdachi to visit you, seeming distant from his loved ones ever since you'd left. Things had gotten mildly hostile between Donatello and his twin, with Leo seeming progressively more aggressive about the topic of... well... you.

Leonardo even tried to convince Donatello that you weren't worth him being huddled up in his lab all day nearly every day. The purple clad boy continuously refused his twin's "help". It wasn't until Leo had seen Donnie wearing your old hoodie that he got mad enough to act on it.

Donnie was simply out of his lab to try to grab something to eat, then go back to work, but Leon had different plans. Donnie made it no more than three steps into the lab, his back being hurt, the body for Sheldon being destroyed, his lack of sleep, nutrition, motivation, training... it was all too much, and Leo wanted to prove it. As soon as Leo was in the lab, he began provoking his brother, trying to get Donnie to swing first.

After a long while of antagonizing, Leo rolls his eyes, saying something that he knew would anger his brother.

"Well, if this Yin- Y/n- Whatever the heck, chick is causing you to go soft. I pray that Raph and Mikey support kicking you off the team like before."

"Shut the hell up." Donnie said, sounding tired and not entirely fazed. Leo took this as an infuriating challenge, grabbing his brother by the shoulder to turn him around.

"Come on, you really can't even look me in the eye when you speak?" Leo asked, sounding more like (early in the series) Draxum than he'd like to admit. As Donatello stared, he tried to process the hard hold on his painful shoulder, softly gasping into the contact.

"Let go."

"What was that, little brother?" Leo asked, sounding demeaning towards Donnie's lack of volume.

"I SAID DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Donatello soon shouted, causing Leo's overreaction of shoving him back. They soon found that the best thing they could do was to get into a physical altercation, soon resulting in a broken desk and the boys tussling on the floor. Leo tried to get a proper hold on Donnie, but Donnie had gotten away, not wanting to fight with his current condition. Leo had quickly taken advantage of Donnie's soft gasps for air, tackling him.

"Stop being an idiot! You're the smart one, the guy that's supposed to see through her bullshit! Stop being so naive!" Leo screamed at Donnie, who now seems to be frozen with a mild expression of pain. As Donatello stood after kicking his brother away, Leonardo saw a small splat of blood on the ground, as well as a few drips from behind his brother's back.

"... Donnie?..."

"Don't talk to me." The boy spoke, taking out his phone and throwing it on a random desk. He left, throwing on an extra hoodie and sweatpants as he stormed out, compacted Tech-Bō in his pocket, clipping on his Cloaking-Brooch. Leo was shocked, now horrified at the sight of the blood on the floor.

*Leo's POV*

I sit quietly in the lab as Donnie runs out, my eyes wandering to the floor in front of me. I feel tears flow down my face, dripping through my mask as I see the small pool of blood. I feel extremely guilty as I think about what could have happened if I hadn't thrown my sword aside.

"Leo? Are you in- WHAT HAPPENED?!" Raph screamed as he saw the blood and trashed desk. I stand upright, wiping my tears away.

"Hey, big bro. Shoulda been here before, coulda seen me put Don-Tron in his place." I try to joke, realizing how bad it sounds with there being blood on the floor. Raph stomps over to me, grabbing my shoulders and glaring down at me.

"Is that Donnie's blood?" He asks in a dark voice.


"Leo... IS THAT MY LITTLE BROTHER'S BLOOD?!" He yells at me as I feel the tears building up again. I look away, hearing his shaky breathing.

"Leo... Why would you EVER hurt your little brother?! He would never hurt Mikey! I would never hurt you! Why Leo?! Why?!" Raph screams, almost being loud enough to make my ears hurt. I see Mikey in the doorway to the lab, horrified.

"Donnie got hurt?..." Mikey asks, his voice cracking as he starts crying. Raph looks over at Mikey, trying not to let his anger control his actions and let him break my shoulders under his fingers.

"It's okay Mikey. Wait for me in the kitchen, okay, lil man?" He manages to say as Mikey slowly nodded, walking away and wiping his tears. Raph let go of one of my shoulders, taking my mask. He dropped it on the floor, letting it soak up some of the blood. He picked it back up, seeing how much of the blood was already in the fabric. He slapped the bloody mask against my chest, grabbed my shoulder again.

"There, you can keep it. Think of it as a trophy for being better than him, but not a better brother." He says in a disgusted voice, not even able to look at me before walking away to clean his hands and check on Mikey. I feel the blood drip down my chest as I cry, sliding down onto the floor again, hugging the mask.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I cry, not sure what to do. How could he ever learn how to trust me again?... Why would I do that?... Why am I such a bad brother...

*Donnie's POV*

I speed out of the lair, feeling the slick combination of plasma, platelets, and white and red blood cells saturate my once purple hoodie. I attempt to gather my thoughts as I realize that I'm bleeding in an alleyway, unable to breathe following a basic respiratory pattern. I look around as a heart rate monitor on my Tech-Gauntlet senses a rise in blood pressure.

"Like Leo hasn't caused that notification before..." I sarcastically think to myself, pulling my hood up. I flick my tongue from the roof of my mouth to my gritted teeth, making a clicking noise as I try to figure out where to go.

"Can't go home because Leo's being an irrational, tyrannical, contumelious, brazen, insolent, domineering fool... Can't go to April because she'll bring me home... ugh... No. No, Donatello. No way. Nuh-uh." I mumbled to myself, thinking that there was even a chance that I could go to a different human. Even if I did, she would completely negate my medical needs or be too nice and probably kill me for my enemy... unless...

"Ugh- Fine, brain... I'll go." I tell myself, not wishing to die of blood loss. I grimaced as I began stealthily walking towards a certain apartment...

*TimeSkip/ POV change brought to us by T.R.A.U.M.A. I have trauma and I'm ga-✨*

As Donatello shows up at Montana's house, he knocks on her window, grimacing as she loudly questions what happened. He explained nothing as he too began inquiring about an injury of hers, a scar on her left cheek which he hadn't noticed before. She told him nothing as she helped to clean him up after his reluctance. They tried to get along as she offered for him to sleep on the couch while she checked in on her sleeping sister, as she and her little sister were alone due to her parents being out on business.

Donnie tried to sleep, not being able to tell Montana anything about the sensitive topic of his cuts, which had been reopened. She threw him some blankets and a pillow, turning on Jupiter Jim for him before heading to her bedroom to check on Celsa and Faren. This would soon be a beginning to an odd friendship. The two teens would get along well soon, and Donatello, with the fake name "Dontae" would now meet Montana's little sister, Natalie or Nat.

Donnie would also soon accidentally nearly burn down the kitchen while Montana went to the grocery store because Nat wanted to bake some cookies... It was a train wreck, but they settled on not even preheating the oven, just microwaving the flour and making no-bake cookie dough... which they ate while watching Bill Nye and waiting for the dryer to stop running because Monty had thrown Donnie's hoodies into the wash with some other jackets and whatnot...

It was all tranquil until Monty came home to scorch marks in the kitchen and a broken smoke detector... When she called you to shame Donnie and Nat for being "Too smart to be acting so dumb"... The call turned out interesting, and you didn't know why Donnie was there, but you did a great job at scolding them... and Donnie? He was just happy to hear your voice.

(Word count: 1546)

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