Pt 10

335 6 19

"-tried putting up a fight-"

"-threw coffee-"

"-real pain in-"

"-break her neck right there-"

"What are they saying?..." You thought to yourself as you hear multiple muffled voices outside of whatever fabric is over your head.

"Honey, I'm home... You didn't successfully finish the job. Round two? Batter up, mother fuckers. Hit harder this time." You chime, now realizing that you're being sat in a chair. You feel someone holding your wrists down as they tie you to the seat. The voices all scoff or sigh in disbelief or disgust as you speak.

"Ropes? How cliché. Use something fun. I'm begging you to make this a challenge for me." You tease, trying to see how your captors respond.

"Oh, my dear! I told them to be gentle! You three, go to your corridors! Now then!" You hear a woman's voice as heels click towards you. You feel a sharp object slice through the ropes effortlessly before the bag is taken off your head. You slowly open your eyes, looking up to see a woman with purple-ish skin and pale hair. She is nicely dressed and obviously an adult.

"Damn me and all my purple enemies..." You mumble, looking away, unimpressed and unintimidated. The woman leans towards you as you lightly rub your wrist, staring at you with joy. She claps her hands together, glasses shining in a delighted highlight.

"Oh, dearie! I almost forgot. I'm sorry for my dear friends. They weren't supposed to hurt you to get you here." She chimes in a sing-song tune as she steps back. She takes note of your uncut, uncared for hair.

"Alright, Purple Princess. Who are you? Where am I? What do you want? And also, they weren't supposed to hurt me? Why?" You inquired as you stumbled to your feet, going to grab your backpack. You realize that it was taken.

"Well, darling. You can call me Big Mama. Your new friend. Also, to answer the other questions, you need to answer one of mine first-"

"Deal." You interrupted.

"- Really? Well. How do you know our dearest, purple turtly-boo?" She questioned quickly, seemingly not expecting you to honestly answer.

"Turtly...? Oh! That dick head. I rob tech places and he sucks up to me so I don't steal too much shit. Well. That or I kick the shit out of him... or he kicks the shit out of me- It's a mutual ass kicking really. Now. You owe me my questions." You ramble a little bit before getting back to your point. She nodded along, listening carefully and intently.

"Well... You're in a place called "The Hidden City", dear. And what I need is... I need... A friend. And I can't let my other friends hurt my new, much more important friend. So... What do you say, dearie? I can pay you much more than the tech goons on the streets that you sell to. What say you?" She asks, sounding confident that you'll need to say yes.

"What do you wanna hire me for, lady?" You ask, still not compliant yet. Her eyes shine with enthusiasm as you rub your neck, in a little bit of pain from how they hit you and whatnot.

"To make me something that can act like you. An... Artificial Intelligence Assistant-" Big Mama sings as she turns around, already preparing to leave the room. "- and, dear. You don't have much choice." Her heels clicked against the floor again as she quickly closes and locks the door, leaving you alone in an empty room with only one window. A small, dirty one at that.

"Thanks, Bestie! I looooove small, dirty, closed off spaces! Oh and being KIDNAPPED!" You shout sarcastically as you kick the chair that once held you. The amount of dim light that shines through the window is minuscule as you glance back towards the chair. Slowly approaching it, you stand it back up.

"Don't I get some tools at least?!" Your voice rings, no response coming in turn. As you look at the chair, an idea strikes. Looking around the room, you find only one camera in the corner. You lay the chair down in a way that allows you to break a leg off of it. You point at the camera as you hold the half-rusted, metal leg like you were playing baseball.

"Yin, The Real Slim Shady, Lana in the batter's box. Ready to hit a homer-" You swing up and strike the camera once. "-GOING GOING!" You shout as you wind back up. You pull the chair leg back, hitting the camera one last time. You look down as the broken camera falls, leaving behind sparky wires.

"Gone." You sigh as you go stone-faced again. You hold the metal leg between your knees to hold it, using the remaining part of the chair to break the glass. Once it's broken, you hear someone unlocking and opening the door and you quickly hide in the corner behind the opening door. Two guards come in and panic when they see the window, you take the opportunity to hit the guards over the heads with the metal. You rush out of the room, seeing an open storage area at the end of the hall.

"This has to be where they put my stuff." You think to yourself as your tired feet drag you quickly to the room. You scan the area, seeing how many boxes and shelves of personal belongings filled the designated area. You look through the shelves quickly and find your stuff before running back to the hall. You see other guards and you back away, going the other way down the hall. You find a staircase and use it to get to the bottom floor. Once you're there, you open the door slowly, the subtle creaking noise almost alerts a guard outside the door.

"Quiet, smooth, criminal... Annie are you okay? Are you okay, Annie? You've been hit by- You've been struck by. A smooth cri- Y/n. No. Do not quote shit again. You did this last time you got kidnapped." You think to yourself as you quietly grab the man's face, holding down his right wrist as you pull him into the stairway. You swing him to the ground softly and hold down his arms as you choke him out. Once he's out, you make your way to the exit.

"HEY, YOU!" A deep voice screams out from behind you as you run out, suddenly finding yourself in an alley. You run towards what looks like people and come to realize that Big Mama was telling the truth... This is definitely a "Hidden City".

"Fuck... Dorothy... We're not in Kansas anymore..." You mumble to yourself as you see many strange beings, animal-human-monster-things. You rush through the crowded area, bumping into "people" as you did. Suddenly you hear the sound of a sharp piece of metal hitting the concrete. You swoop down and quickly pick up the new weapon. No. Weapons. You feel extra weight on the dagger as you dragged along a second one, connected to the first one with a chain. Whoever had dropped it started shouting as the couldn't find it.

"Sorry." You mumbled to yourself sarcastically as you pull the chain, bringing the second dagger to your hand. You hold the daggers after dropping the metal chair leg. Your feet ache as you hurry to a nice spot of trash outside what seems to be an empty building. The alley has a nice garbage pile that you start to hide in. The window of the building opens as you grumble under the trash.

"Hello?..." You hear a male voice. He sounds friendly, but you know better than to trust just anyone in these situations. He must've seen a part of your body under the trash because he quickly jumps out the window to the side. He moves the garbage off of you, causing you to flinch back, holding out the daggers. You look up and see a bunny man with a pale coat of fur, wearing a kimono. His eyes go wide as he sees you, seeming more worried for you than anything.

"Oi, what happened to you? Are you okay?" He asks quickly as he tries to help you up. You reluctantly give in, tired from running around and fighting.

"Hey. Hey! Are you oka-" Suddenly his words become distorted as you lose track of where he is. Where you are. What's happening. You can't see anything anymore. Where are you now?... What just happened?...

"Whatever, Y/n.... Be careful, all that ego might just kill ya one day..."

"What if I don't come home...?"

(Word count 1454)

Of Men and Mutants (Rottmnt Donnie x reader🍋)Where stories live. Discover now