Pt 8

364 7 16

As days turn into a week and a week turns into about a month, you found yourself trying to steal more stuff that you thought Donnie would have a surplus of. More often than not, making trade-offs with him instead of stealing. These random acts of Donnie "throwing old tech away" began to raise Leo's suspicions that Donnie was trying to help you. However, Leo hasn't properly investigated or confronted him about it.

Your days felt less painful, maybe even peaceful compared to how they were before. Montana had gotten to know April pretty well, even giving April your number to try to let you get more comfortable with her too. Montana even got April to help her find a place to keep Faren and Celsa from time to time. Kendra and the boys had their house arrest extended for having broken off their ankle monitors. Mikey even leaves pictures in the alleyway for you and Montana from time to time. (Sweet boy) Things are going pretty good.

Your family (despite not acknowledging it) had noticed that you had seemed to be in a slightly less negative mood, your older sister even saying that your "Resting Bitch Face" was just a "Resting Sorta-Bitch Face" now. That was improvement from before though, so you accepted it. You made improvements on Bruce Rue and fixed up an old design of a little robot body for him. You were also given a note along with one of Mikey's gifted drawings.

"I don't know who you are. But my little brothers seem happy to know you. If my brothers think your cool so does Raph. Leo says that your a bad guy. Or girl. We arent friends but maybe if you stop stealing things we can be.
Sincerly Raph." You read as you kick your feet back and forth, laying in your bed. You can barely lay comfortably due to the fact that your bones and skin are still healing from Kendra being a bitc- I mean kidnapping you.

"Huh... the big, spiky, red one's named Raph?..." You ask yourself as you grab your phone. The brightness is far too high for it being so late at night. Your eyes widen as you see a text from an unknown number. It was a really strange, random seeming number.

(Greetings. I'll assume that due to your lack of intelligence, you don't know who I am. Thus, I'll do you the kindness of informing you of such now. This is your esteemed rival, Donatello.)

"Ugh, Bruce. Bring mama her hammer." You say in a sarcastic tone to the small android body. He powers on while charging on his charge stand. He tries to wobble towards the closet, tripping on a long charging cable.

"Panic! Panic! Falling! Mother, help!" His mechanical voice rings. You almost laugh as he struggles in the tangled cords. You stand up, untangling his robotic body from the cables he was trapped in.

"Sorry, Bruce. You don't need to do anything else for mama tonight." You chime as you pat his head, placing him back on the charger before putting him into sleep mode calmly. You grab your phone again, looking at the text before changing the contact information.

(Updated) Loser:
(Greetings. I'll assume that due to your lack of intelligence, you don't know who I am. Thus, I'll do you the kindness of informing you of such now. This is your esteemed rival, Donatello.)

Doin' yo mama:
(Hello. I see that you simply can't get enough of me. So, what do you want?)

He takes a long while to respond, typing then deleting then typing again.

(Wow, real mature. Written with sarcasm. You truly know how to make someone like you. I simply wanted to ask if you're planning to "rob" someplace tonight. I would like a heads up before hand. I intend to go on a duo mission and would prefer if you held off until tomorrow. I would... "Appreciate" that.)

Doin' yo mama:
(You... texted me to ask me "Your enemy" not to commit crimes?... Are you serious? I wasn't planning on it, but I'm doing it now.)

Of Men and Mutants (Rottmnt Donnie x reader🍋)Where stories live. Discover now