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Mirabel stood in front of him, holding onto his small hand tightly. Abuela could not take her primo away. He needed her, she was the one with him. She was the one who raised him, she refused to allow Abuela to take him from her, except Isabella was using her vines to pull them apart. Mirabel would never understand why they couldn't just allow her to keep him for two more months, but apparently she was a bad influence for him. She finally let him go and gave him a sad smile as Abuela plucked him up and left the room. Isabella left as well, only pausing to glare at Mirabel. She was used to this, she wouldn't crack. Her family needed her to be strong she couldn't let herself hurt over this. Casita tried to help her calm down, but Mirabel merely patted the doorframe. She hated that they took Antonio from her, all because he needed to be integrated into the familia something Mirabel didn't truly agree with. He was very close to Camilo, and Dolores. He would try and spend time with his Mother and Father. He was perfectly integrated, and yet Abuela took him away. She closed her eyes and later down on her bed, dinner would be ready in two hours. She had time, time to just mope and feel sorrowful for herself. After she would be back to preppy happy Mirabel, except Camilo just came into the Nursery and sat down on her bed, something told her this would be interesting. Her cousin had stopped taking to her years ago, her Mellizo in all but blood, she hated being reminded that they could easily be in the same room. It hurt her to remember that he chose to abandon her, still she hadn't expected him to say this, "Mira, why don't we have a sleepover, hmm? I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, and I know one apology won't ever make up for it, but I want to hang out with my Mellizo, please?" What else could she do? Mirabel nodded, he was probably just trying to keep her away from Antonio after all. It didn't mean anything.
I do not own any of this, except possibly the plot. I typically write Harry Potter stuff, and am not fluent in Spanish. So I am very sorry if I'm mess up any words. I will of course only use words I am fairly confident in, such as Primo or Prima. I'll also use Mellizo, which form what I understand means twin. Again I'm sorry if I'm wrong, goodbye everyone. Hope you enjoy the story!

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