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Ashley was feeling like shit "Ugh I can't possibly have anything else to puke out" he said. CC walked into the bathroom "Babe you really need to see a Dr this has been going on for weeks." Ashley said "As much as I don't want to I'm gonna. I can't take this anymore." Ashley called and made the appointment. On the day of the appointment while on the way there CC asked "Remember after rehearsal that one day when we came home and fucked for like an hour? " Ashley smiled "Ya that was amazing. You felt so good." While in the office the Dr asked them questions. Are you two in a homosexual relationship? Are you sexually active? Do you use protection? All of which the answer was yes,except the protection one. The Dr asked "Did your band perform at warped tour last year?' They said yes. Then he asked "Are you aware of the tainted water that caused the Male Pregnancy Syndrome (MPS) epidemic?" Ashley nodded and said "Oh no." The Dr said "Congratulations Mr Purdy your 6 weeks along." Ashley and CC were in shock. Ashley was panicking "No! This can't be happening!" The Dr continued "I'm scheduling you for emergency surgery tomorrow to cut a birth canal in between you scrotum and anus. We have to do this as quick as possible in case you miscarry. Otherwise the fetus will get stuck trying to come out of your penis." Ashley was in shock, "You're gonna cut a hole in my taint?!" The Dr gave them a pamphlet with the information they need on MPS.

CC and Ashley were terrified. They weren't ready to be parents. The only people who knew about their relationship were the band. They haven't even come out to their parents yet. When they got home Ashley said "What are we gonna do? Our families don't even know we're bi." CC was freaking out. He said "I have to get some air." and walked to the door. Ashley said "Where are you going?" CC said "I don't know." and walked out the door leaving Ashley more panicked. He thought "Oh my god he left me!" CC went to his parents house and talked to them. He came out to them and explained what happened. They were well aware of MPS caused by the poisoned water. They weren't mad at CC for being bi and dating Ashley. They were just disappointed that he just up and left him after finding out they're having a baby. His mom said "You better go home to that man and take good care of him! That is your child he's carrying and our grandbaby! We taught you better than that. I'll explain everything to the rest of the family." Ashley was on the phone near tears with his grandma. He explained everything. She wasn't mad either. "Nana he just up and left me without telling where hes going! I don't even know if he's coming back!" She said "Baby your welcome to come home and we'll help you take care of our great grandbaby! I'll explain everything to your grandpa and the rest of the family. Let me know what happens." After a few hours CC finally came home. He said "Baby I'm so sorry! I was scared but don't worry I'm not going anywhere and we're gonna raise this baby together as a happy, united family."

They called the band over that night for a meeting to explain what was happening. They were shocked but excited to have a niece or nephew. The Dr said MPS pregnancies aren't able to make it to full term. All MPS babies are born premature. The farthest they're able to be carried is 7 months max. The earliest they can be born and survive is 6 months. Ashley has to take it easy and stay as stress free as possible. The goal is to make it to 7 months. Now it was time to tell the fans and the label.

A couple days went by. It was the day after Ashley's surgery so he was at home healing. CC got a call from his sister saying shes gonna do everything she can to help them prepare for the baby. Ashley got the same call from his aunt. Since shes a nurse she express shipped him prenatal vitamins. The fans were all excited. Unfortunately there were some haters. Ashley was nervous because they still had some shows to perform before the baby was born. Ashley said "How am I supposed to perform with a giant belly? Oh my god I'm gonna get fat." CC said "You're not gonna get fat you're just gonna have a pregnant belly' Andy was there visiting and said "Didn't the Dr say you're only gonna make it to 7 months?" Ashley said "Yes." Andy said "So you're really not gonna get that big."

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