My Little Bean

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*Warning: mention of a miscarriage

Jake and Jinxx were freaking out. They did something bad after celebrating Ashley giving birth to Sparrow. They didn't know how they were gonna break the news because Ashley and CC had just found out a couple days ago that their daughter Sparrow is going to have to spend three months in the NICU instead of two because she's not progressing as fast as the Dr's hoped. They called a band meeting at Jinxx's house. 

Jinxx took a deep breath and said "Guys we have something to tell you." Jake said "We did something bad." CC asked "How bad?" Jinxx said "Really bad." Jake said "Especially considering we drank the water at warped tour too." Ashley said "Oh my god Jinxx you're pregnant!" Jinxx said "I'm not..." Andy,CC,and Ashley unanimously yelled "JAKE?!"

Ashley asked "When did this happen?!" Jake said "The night Sparrow was born." CC and Ashley both yelled "WHAT?!" Jinxx said "We were drinking and celebrating the happy occasion and things got...out of hand." CC said "Well I'd say so!" Ashley asked "Jake are you sure you're pregnant? Have you been to the Dr yet?" Jake said "No I took one of those pee stick tests."

 Andy said "Jake you have to go to the Dr to be sure. If a man takes a pee stick pregnancy test and it comes back positive that's a sign of testicular cancer." CC said "Plus if you are pregnant you have to go to the Dr to schedule a birth canal creation surgery right away!" Jake said "I don't wanna hole cut in my taint!" Ashley said "Well I didn't either! The baby's gotta come out somehow!"

It's been three days and Jake still hasn't gone to the Dr yet. Jake started to feel some lower stomach cramping and all the sudden he started bleeding. He went to the emergency room and it turns out he was having a miscarriage. Jake came home that night and called Jinxx. He said "Jinxx I need you to come over. There's something I need to tell you." Jinxx asked "Is everything ok?" Jake's voice cracked and said "No please come over right now." 

Jinxx showed up right after Jake took a shower and changed into some clean clothes. Jinxx asked "Jake whats wrong?" Jake frowned and "There's something I need to tell you." Jinxx asked "What is it?" Jake explained what happened. Jinxx said "Oh Jake I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do please let me know." Jake said "I just really wanna be let alone right now." and Jinxx went home.

Jake didn't talk to anybody the next day. He just sat around the house moping and he cried a little. The next morning Jake called Ashley and told him what happened. Ashley said "You know I'm going to the hospital later this morning to drop off some breast milk. Wanna join me and come meet your niece?" Jake said "I'd like that." Ashley said "Cool I'll pick you up in an hour." Jake asked "Hey did you say breast milk?" 

Ashley said "Ya! What do you think we have nipples for?" When Jake got in Ashley's car he explained what happened. He sighed and stared at his lap and said "I don't know how to feel. Part of me feels relieved but feels like a shouldn't and part of me feels sad but feels like I shouldn't." 

Ashley said "Jake you're a mother. That's normal to feel sad. It's also not a bad thing to feel relieved. This was an accident from a...very night stand. You and Jinxx aren't living together or even dating. You and Jinxx will get past this and one day you're gonna meet a nice woman and get married and have lots of babies and SHE will be the one to give birth." Jake asked "You really think so?" Ashley said "Definitely." Jake smiled slightly and said "Thanks Ash."

Ashley and Jake arrived at the NICU. Ashley walked in and said "Hi baby girl, mommy's here. I brought you uncle Jake to come meet you. Daddy and uncle Jinxx will be here this afternoon. Then just me and daddy tonight." Jake asked "What about Andy?" Ashley said "Andy can wait till she comes home." Jake said "Wow she's so tiny. So many wires and tubes." Ashley said "This is the realities of an MPS baby. I wake up everyday praying she made it through another night." 

Jake said "I guess I should feel grateful my baby didn't have to go through this. It feels so weird to say, my baby, and in past tense." Ashley said "I hate to ask but did you get to see it?" Jake said "Ya I caught a glimpse. Looked like a little bean." Jake sighed and looked up and said "My little bean."

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