There's something we need to tell you

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A month has gone by since the internet threats. The investigators said they're getting closer to finding all the culprits. They haven't found who started the threats yet. Sparrow had recently started teething. Ashley was pacing the living room trying to calm her as she cried. He said "Come on CC, where are you? It's not that hard to find teething toys." Just then CC walked through the door with a big and very full bag from Target saying "Hey babe, I got chew toys." 

Ashley said "It's TEETHING toys and how many did you get?!" CC said "Uhhh, one of each. Here I got some that don't have to be frozen while we wait for the other ones to freeze." Ashley said "Well hurry up , hurry up!" as CC ripped open one of the packages and handed a teething toy to Ashley. Ashley held the toy up to Sparrow's mouth saying "Here you go my sweet girl, this should make you feel better."

Meanwhile Andy was on the phone with Jake trying to figure out how to break some bad news to Ashley. Jake said "Well it would be the best idea to talk to CC first. If anything he would know how to keep Ashley calm when we tell him." Andy said "I really don't want to have to do this." Jake said "I know me neither, but it's the best way to keep them both safe. You call CC and see where we can have a band meeting and explain it's about Ashley and I'll call Jinxx so we can meet up once you get it figured out." 

Andy whined "Why do I have to do it?!" Jake said "Because you and Ashley own the band. So you explain to CC why we need the band meeting and hopefully he can figure out how to keep Ashley from getting too pissed." After they hung up Andy groaned as he called CC. 

CC's phone rang and he said "Oh Andy's calling. Hello? Hey what's up? Oh? What about? Oh...(CC walked out of the room) Ya I know I agree. I just got back from Target I don't wanna leave again so we can have it here. Ya it'll be better to tell him here. Alright I'll let him know about it. No he won't mind if we have it here. He's gonna call Jinxx? Ya we noticed too. Ya we were thinking the same thing. Agreed, good for them. Hopefully they admit it soon. Alright see you guys soon. Bye"

CC walked back into the living room and said "Hey babe I'm gonna pick up a little around here we're having an emergency band meeting." Ashley asked "Oh a meeting about what?" CC didn't know what to say so he lied saying "Oh I don't know. He...didn't say." Andy showed up first and asked "Am I the only one who showed up?" Ashley said "Ya so far." CC said "Jake was picking up Jinxx on the way here." Andy said "Have you guys noticed how close they've gotten lately?" CC said "Ya hopefully they just come out and admit they're dating already."

Finally Jake and Jinxx showed up. Ashley brought Sparrow into the living room saying "Look who woke up from her nap!" and everyone went "Awww!" Andy said "Ok band meeting is in session!" Everyone fell awkwardly quiet cause everyone except Ashley knew what this band meeting was about. Ashley asked "Soooo what's the meeting about that was so urgent?" CC said "Well...." Ashley said "Well what? Is there something you guys aren't telling me?" Andy sighed and said "There's something we need to tell you."

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