For Your Safety

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Ashley asked "Tell me what?" Andy was terrified to tell Ashley. Here's the thing about Ashley Purdy, he's the nicest person you will ever meet. Just don't piss him off. Even Andy, despite being a loud mouth tough guy, was a little intimidated by an angry Ashley Purdy. Andy took a shakey breath and said "Ok I'm just gonna come out and say it. Ashley we can't have you go on tour with us anymore." Ashley angrily said "What?!" Andy got scared and said "Oh god he's angry!"

Jake said "Ok everybody calm down! Look Ashley, we can't have you on tour with the baby. There I said it...please don't hurt me." CC said "Look, babe, you know we can't have Sparrow on tour with us and she needs her mother. " Jake said "We can't have the baby on the tour bus. What if someone gets sick? You know how quickly a sickness spreads on a tour bus." CC said "And Sparrow is the last one that needs to get sick. Especially being a pre-me." Jinxx said "And we can't party or activities on the bus with a baby." Andy said "Plus you can't bring her on stage with you. Or leave her back stage."

Ashley handed Sparrow to CC and said "I can't believe this." and walked to him and CC's room angrily and slammed the door. CC sighed and said "I'll talk to him." Andy said "Here , let me hold Sparrow." CC handed Sparrow to Andy and said "Careful she wiggles." and walked to him and Ashley's room. He walked in and closed the door and said "Babe come on, you know a tour bus is no place for a baby." Ashley sat on the edge of the bed and said "I can't believe this is happening." CC said "Babe it's not safe for you and Sparrow to tour. Especially with these internet threats going around it just makes it even more unsafe."

Ashley sighed in defeat and said "I know..." CC explained "Babe it's my job to keep my child and the mother of my child safe. If something were to happen to one of you I don't know what I would do. Believe me none of us want to do this but we all want to keep you and Sparrow safe." Ashley shook his head and said "I don't know how we're gonna get through this." CC said "We've gone through tough times before when we didn't think we could, remember when you where pregnant and had a hard time figuring out the breast pump?"


Ashley: Babe I don't know how to get this crazy contraption to work!

CC: Here let me read the instructions. Put this over there,attach this to that, screw the bottle onto this,and turn the pump on like that!

(it starts working) Ashley: Holt crap is working! 

CC: Woe babe your making milk! That's awesome!

(Ashley frowns) Ashley: Oh my god I'm a cow!

CC: No you're not!

Ashley: Yes I am! I'm fat and I make milk!

CC: Aww babe you're not fat, you're pregnant (Kisses Ashley's head) and beautiful.

Ashley (sniffling): Moo.

End of flashback.~

Ashley smiled a little and said "Ya I remember. I guess you're right. I'm just gonna be lonely without you here." CC said "You know I'm gonna facetime you every chance I get." Ashley said "I know. We better get back out there and finish the band meeting." When they walked back out to the living room they saw Andy holding up Sparrow in his lap as she wiggled from side to side while he seemed to be mimicking her. Ashley asked with a giggle "What are you two doing?" Andy smiled and said cheerfully "Dancing! She's very drooly." CC said "Well she is teething." Jinxx said "Well that explains why she was trying to gnaw on my finger." Jake said "You ok Ashley?" Ashley said "Ya I'll be fine. So what are you guys gonna do now that you're kicking me out of the band?"

Andy sat Sparrow in his lap and said "Woe woe woe! Hold on there! Nobody said we were kicking you out of the band." Ashley was confused and said "But you said I can't tour with you anymore." Andy said "Ashley you're still a part of this band. You're always gonna be part of this band. You own half this band. I wouldn't have gotten the band where it is today if it wasn't for you. You had the connections. You did the advertising. You helped write our biggest hits. You're always gonna be part of this band's history Ashley." 

Ashley said "I appreciate that Andy." Jake said "But how are you gonna find someone to take Ashley's place?" Andy said "Actually I have someone in mind. There's this guy who toured with me while I was on the Andy Black tour. His name is Lonny Eagleton. He's the only person I know who's good enough to take Ashley's place. Plus it helps that he's a huge Black Veil Brides fan." Ashley said "Oh, fan dream come true." CC said "You think he'll go for it?" Andy said "Well I can call him tomorrow and find out." Ashley asked "Do I get to meet who's taking my place?" Andy said "Of course! I think Sparrow would like his poofy hair if she meets him." Jinxx said "Well if he's as good as you say he is, lets hope he says yes!" Andy said "I think you guys will like him. He's really good at playing base and he's a really cute, I mean, cool dude." Ashley and Jinxx looked at each other. They both caught what he said.

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