Baby Shower

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A few weeks went by and Ashley was starting to get bigger. They just finished touring. Ashley went to put his skinny jeans on when he realized he couldn't get them buttoned. Ashley had his shirt off and turned to the side while looking in the mirror. He called out "Babe come check this out!" CC came up to the bedroom. Ashley said "Look I'm showing!" CC said "That's great! You look beautiful baby. Are you sure you don't want a baby shower?" Ashley said "Yes I'm sure. I don't want all the fuss plus I can't stress out." The rest of the band knew Ashley didn't want to plan a baby shower. Little did CC and Ashley know Jinxx has an idea.

Ashley was 5 months along. Him and CC decided they didn't want to know the the sex of they baby. They wanted to be surprised. Plus since his body isn't supposed to carry children it may not be an accurate reading. Ashley picked up his base tucking it under his belly and tightened the strap, He let out a groan of relief. CC walked in and said "What are you doing?" Ashley stood there and said "I feel so relieved! The pressure is off my pelvis!" CC said "You know they have girdles for that." Ashley said "I'm not wearing a girdle that would be so degrading." CC sighed "Stop it Ashley. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Now come on. Jinxx invited us over to his house. I don't know why he said to text him when we get there." They pulled into the driveway and were confused by all the cars. There was a note on the front door that said "Dear CC and Ashley, Don't knock just come in"

They walked through the door and a bunch of people jumped out and yelled "SURPRISE!!!!!" There was pink and blue balloons everywhere, Ashley said "What is this?!" Jinxx said "It's your baby shower! You said you didn't want to plan one so me, Jake, and Andy did it for you." Ashley started tearing up "Thank you guys! Oh my god these hormones." While opening presents Ashley got to the last one. It happened to be Andy's. It was a batman pajama pants "of course" and a black onesie that said "My Uncle Is Cooler Than Your Uncle". Ashley chuckled "Really Andy?" He said "What? It's referring to all of us! He or she does have cool uncles!"

The day after the baby shower Ashley was doing some sewing. CC asked "Ashley what are you doing?" Ashley said "Sewing these nursing things to my tanks. They're the cheap 5 pack from Walmart so it doesn't matter if they get ruined" CC said "Why don't you just wear a nursing bra?" Ashley said "Because it's degrading enough being a pregnant man I'm not gonna wear a bra too." CC said "Ashley will you stop that? I hate when you put yourself down like that! I think it's absolutely amazing that you're having a baby. This is OUR baby. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You look beautiful and I couldn't ask for a more perfect person to be the mother of my child." Ashley smiled "I love you CC." CC said "I love you too Ashley. How do you know where to sew the pads?" Ashley said "I think I would know where my own nipples are CC."

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