Weird without him

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Ashley and CC were sitting on the couch with Sparrow in the middle. Sparrow was now 5 months old and starting to sit up on her own. She wasn't very good at it yet. She sneezed and fell over into Ashley's lap. Ashley laughed said "Uh-oh!" and sat her on her play mat. CC was getting ready to leave for band practice and said "It's gonna be so weird going to practice without you." Ashley said "I know right? It's so weird not going with you." CC said "I'm so nervous about this tour. What if I miss one of Sparrow's milestones? What if she forgets who I am?"

Ashley said "CC one, your not even going on tour your doing one show in Mexico City over the weekend as a test run with your new base player. Two, I can guarantee Sparrow isn't gonna forget who her daddy is. Besides I already know you're gonna video call every spare chance you get."  CC smiled and said "You're damn right I will!" All the sudden Sparrow let out a fart and scared herself and started crying. CC laughed and said "Aww Sparrow! Did you just fart and scare yourself? It's ok baby girl. Mommy and daddy fart sometimes too."

CC was getting ready to walk out the door. He said "Alright babe, I'm off to the studio." with a sigh. Ashley kissed his lips and said "It'll be alright baby. Go do your thing." CC kissed him again and said "I'm gonna miss you being there." Ashley said "Me and Sparrow will be here when you get home. Love you babe." CC said "Love you too." and kissed him again,and again,and again. Ashley said "Babe will you go before you're late?!" with a giggle. CC said "Alright! Alright! I'm going!" CC gave Sparrow a kiss on her head and said "Be a good girl for mommy while daddy's at the studio with your uncles."

CC showed up to the studio and walked in. Andy said "Hey! There's the knuckle head!" Jake said "It's so weird seeing you here by yourself without Ashley." CC said "It feels weird being here without Ashley." Andy said "Well Lonny, you ready for your first day of practice?" Lonny said "Yup! Lets get started!" Jake said "Alright lets do this!" and gave Jinxx a quick kiss on the lips. CC sighed when he saw that. He missed Ashley being there already. Nothing against Lonny though.

Later that afternoon Ashley was giving Sparrow a diaper change. His phone rang and noticed it was CC. He answered it: "Hey babe

CC: Hey baby! what are you doing?

Ashley: Trying to change your wiggly daughters diaper! What's up?

CC: Nothing, just gonna grab a burrito for lunch and wanted to see how my babe and baby girl were doing.

Ashley: We're doing fine but since your daughter has recently figured out how to roll over, she keeps trying to roll away while I change her. Sparrow where are you going?! You can't roll away with no diaper on!

CC: Well I'll let you get back to what you were doing. Love you guys! Be home soon.

Ashley: We love you too!"

Ashley grabbed Sparrow"s little leg as she tried to roll away again and said "Sparrow come on sweetie, let me get your pants back on and you can roll around all you want." CC finished his lunch and went back to practice. Jinxx asked "You missing Ashley bro?" CC said "Ya but that'll just make it more exciting when I get home and see them." Jinxx said "Well absence makes the heart grow fonder." CC nodded and said "True."

Later that evening Ashley put Sparrow in her jumper and said "Daddy should be home any time now baby girl. He's getting mommy Chinese food for dinner. You'll be able to eat it someday when you're a big girl." Sparrow started kicking her little legs in her jumper and squealed. Ashley cringed at the high pitched noise and said "Aggressive little kicker aren't ya? Just like when you were in mommy's tummy."

CC walked in the door and said "Hey babe I'm home with your Chinese food!" and gave Ashley a kiss. Ashley said "Oh baby you're the best!" CC gave Sparrow a kiss on the head and said "Hi princess! Daddy's home!" Sparrow smiled and cood loudly smacking her toys in excitement. Ashley asked "So how was practice?" CC said "It was great but weird without you being there." 

Ashley was making himself a plate of food and said "It was weird not being there. But I'm not completely out of the music business. Maybe when I find the time I can make my own music. I've had some songs written and stored away I can probably get released one day." CC said "That sounds like a great idea babe! Can't wait to hear them. Lets eat!"

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