Internet Threats

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Jake and Jinxx were mid make out. Jake just put his hand on Jinxx's hip when his phone rang. To his surprise and slight annoyance for being cock blocked it was Ashley. He cleared his throat and answered "Hello? What? Ashley calm down I can't understand you. Huh? Hey Jinxx check twitter. Look up what? Look up hashtag Ashley Purdy baby. What? Ashley, give the phone to CC I can't understand you. CC? What's going on? What?! Oh my god!" Jinxx looked up the hashtag and gasped "Oh my god Jake! Look at this!" Jake was still on the phone with CC and said "Ok bro I had Jinxx look it up I'm gonna look now." Jake looked at the screen as Jinxx scrolled. He wanted to vomit at what he saw. He yelled "OH MY GOD! What the fuck?! Tell Ashley to calm down, me and Jinxx will be over right away. Ya better give Andy a call too. Everything's gonna be ok. Bye."

Jake and Jinxx were horrified at what they saw. Not only were there threats against Ashley's safety but also him and CC's baby daughter Sparrow. Jake decided to drive. Jinxx was on the verge of tears after seeing those threats. There were even threats on their lives. Jake squeezed Jinxx thigh and said "Everything's gonna be ok. We won't let anything happen you know that." Jinxx said "I can't believe someone would threaten their lives. Sparrow's just a baby! And to think we were gonna try for a baby. What if we would've gotten the same threats Jake?" Jake said "Jinxx don't think about that. I'm not gonna let this slide with Ashley and CC and I sure as fuck wouldn't let it slide if it happened to us. But right now Ashley, CC, and Sparrow need us so we need to be there for them. Nobodies gonna hurt my niece. NOBODY!"

Jinxx's phone rang. He said "Oh it's Andy. Hello? Ya I saw those fucking tweets too me and Jake are on our way to their house now. Andy, calm down. No your not going to track anybody down we're gonna call the police and let them handle it. We'll meet you there. Bye." Jake said "I take it Andy saw the tweets?" Jinxx said "Ya and he's pissed. He's gonna meet us at CC and Ashley's." Jake and Jinxx pulled up to CC and Ashley's house. All of the blinds were down. Jinxx rang the doorbell and CC peered through the blinds and unlocked the door." CC hugged Jinxx and Jake and said "Oh thank god it's you!" Jinxx asked "Wheres Ash?" CC said "He's in the baby's room. He's freaking out he won't stop crying or put her down." Jinxx said "I'll talk to him." Jinxx walked into the house and up the stairs and could hear Ashley crying from down the hall. He walked into the baby's room and saw Ashley cradling Sparrow close as he was shaking and crying in the rocking chair.

Jinxx knocked on the door and said "Ash?" Ashley looked up and ran into Jinxx's arm crying "Jinxx! They wanna hurt her! They wanna hurt my baby! They wanna kill her!" Jinxx hugged Ashley while watching out for Sparrow to not squish her. Jinxx said "Shhh Ashley it's gonna be ok we won't let anything happen. Andy's on his way. We're gonna keep you both safe." Ashley cried "I don't give a fuck about me! I just want Sparrow to be safe!" They heard tires screech in the driveway. The doorbell rang. Ashley's heart raced. He was relieved when heard Andy's voice yell out "Where are they?" Andy ran into the bedroom and hugged Ashley and Sparrow. Andy said "Ashley! It's gonna be ok. We're gonna keep you safe I promise we won't let anything happen."

The band all sat in the living room while CC called the police. The police showed up and investigated for nearly two hours. They're going to do an investigation on the threats and track down the owners of the profiles making the threats. They decided to have a patrol car drive past their house multiple times a day until they catch the people making the threats. Especially when they start touring again. But that's gonna be a whole other issue they need to figure out later.

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