A pumpkin for my pumpkin

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It was the middle of October. CC had the day off from practice. Their concert in Mexico was the weekend before Halloween. They wanted to make sure CC was home for Sparrow's first Halloween. CC was at home with Sparrow giving her a bath while Ashley was picking up a few things at Target. CC said "Sparrow I wonder why your mommy wanted me to give you a bath while he went to the store. Usually you don't get a bath till night-night time. You like the water my little fishy baby?" CC got her dressed in a onesie and wrapped in a light blanket and fed her a bottle while he rocked her to sleep. He watched her while she napped peacefully in his arms. He loved his little girl so much. He was gonna miss her and Ashley like crazy while he played the concert in Mexico. Even though he would only be gone for the weekend.

After a couple hours Ashley came home with some pumpkins and a new Halloween outfit for Sparrow. It came with a bow headband. CC asked "Don't you think Sparrow has enough bows? What's with all the pumpkins?" Ashley said "She could never have enough bows CC. This is Sparrow's first Halloween! I had to get a pumpkin for my pumpkin. I got one big one to carve and three little ones. One for each of us. I wanna get some pictures of Sparrow for Halloween." CC asked "Well shouldn't I put her in her costume? After all I got her and me matching raccoon onesies." Ashley giggled and said "We're saving her costume for Halloween night. I'm gonna get her changed and take a few pictures with the pumpkins before I carve the big one."

Ashley took the pictures and brought Sparrow back in the house and said "Babe can you take Sparrow's outfit off her? But leave her bow on." CC was very confused and asked "Why?! You just put it on her!" Ashley said "So she doesn't get it dirty after I carve the pumpkin! Just trust me I have an idea that's going to be so cute!" Ashley went back outside and CC took Sparrow's outfit off. CC said to Sparrow "I don't know what your mommy has planned, baby girl."

CC wrapped Sparrow in a blanket and went outside to see what Ashley was up to. Ashley hollowed out the pumpkin and cut two large holes near the bottom. CC said "Babe those eyes look a little low." Ashley said "Oh CC you brought her out just in time. These aren't eye holes they're holes for her legs to go through." CC asked "Her legs? Babe you are not actually putting our baby in a pumpkin!" Ashley said "Trust me, it'll be adorable!" Ashley took Sparrow from CC arms saying "Come here sweetie." and placed her in the pumpkin and adjusted her headband bow.

Ashley got a couple of decent pictures but Sparrow was clearly not enjoying sitting in a pumpkin. Ashley said "Come on Sparrow, look at the camera and give mommy a smile!" Sparrow put her mouth on the pumpkin. Ashley stopped her and said "No baby, you can't eat the pumpkin." Sparrow started crying. CC picked her up out of the pumpkin and said "Aww come here baby girl. Daddies here to rescue you from mommy's poorly executed idea." Ashley got annoyed at his remark and said "Keep bashing me to our daughter and the next place the pumpkin is gonna end up is on your head!" CC huffed and carried Sparrow back into the house with a smirk and shook his head. Ashley looked at the pumpkin and said to himself "Well I guess I can carve a motorcycle jack-o-lantern. Put the two holes to use so the pumpkin doesn't go to waste."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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