Baby Makes Three

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A couple days after the surprise baby shower CC's family came by to visit and drop off some baby gifts. A couple days after that Ashley's family flew down to visit and drop off even MORE baby gifts. It was finally peaceful and quiet again in their house again. At least until the baby comes. All MPS babies are born premature since men aren't supposed to get pregnant and a full term baby wouldn't fit through a mans pelvis at all. A pre-me will be a hard enough squeeze. Ashley was 22 weeks along. CC bought a giant Tuff Shed to practice drumming without disturbing the baby. CC came back inside to grab a bottle of water and said "Hey baby I'm almost done with the shed! Just a few more finishing touches." Ashley said "That's great!" He was sitting on the couch drinking a strawberry milkshake. He had a jar of dill pickles next to it. CC asked "You're not gonna eat those together are you?" Ashley said "No of course not! That would be disgusting!" CC walked back out to the shed. Ashley sat on the couch peering through the sliding glass door making sure CC couldn't see him. When the coast was clear he dunked a dill pickled in his strawberry milkshake and took a big bite. He said "Mmmmm oh my god this should not taste as good as it does!"

A few days went by and Ashley was scrolling through twitter. Unfortunately he saw some trolls were bashing him for being pregnant. It wasn't helping his self consciousness. He showed CC the tweets and said "I feel like a circus freak." CC said "You're not a circus freak. You're not the only one going through this. Literally every band that performed at the last warped tour has at least one band member that ended up pregnant. Look at Jeffree Star! He embrassed his whole pregnancy!" Ashley said "Well of course Jeffree Star did!"

Ashley was now 27 weeks pregnant. A week away from their goal. Ashley just was having contractions all day. He felt a gush of water rush down his sweat pants. He thought "Shit did I pee myself again?'s not stopping. Oh no...Hey hun!" CC called up from downstairs "Ya?" Ashley said "Don't panic but its time!" CC panicked and ran up the stairs "ITS TIME?" They grabbed the bags and got in the car and raced to the hospital while Ashley called the hospital to tell them they were on the way. After he hung up another contraction hit "Oh god ughhh this one was closer than the last one!!!!!" They got to the hospital and got him prepped. Ashley said "I want an epidural!" The Dr said "Unfortunately you're already at 10cm dielated there's no time." Ashley yelled "What do you mean there's no time?! I have to do this naturally?!" Ashley started pushing and pushing and pushing. The nurse said "Ashley your crowning! One more big push!" He pushed one more time and screamed "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" when the baby came out. The Dr held up the baby for a split second and said "It's a girl!" and rushed the baby away to the table. Ashley was freaking out "Why isn't she crying?!"

Finally she started to cry and they took a sigh of relief. They rushed her off to the NICU. Ashley said "Where are you taking her? I want my baby!" The nurse said "She has to go to the NICU and we have to get you into surgery to sew your birth canal back up before you bleed out. You tore pretty bad." They rushed CC out of the room. Ashley woke up after his procedure relieved to see CC there. The Dr came in and explained the baby would have to stay in the NICU for a couple of months since shes a pre-me. Luckily CC had a picture of her when he got to see her. She had a birth mark next to her left eye. Ashley asked "What should we name her?" CC said "I'm not sure yet. I just know that hearing her cry was like the song of a Sparrow. Ashley said "There's a name! Sparrow!" CC said "That's a beautiful name. What should her middle name be?" Ashley said "I don't know. Did you notice how her cry sounded like a kitten?" CC said "Hey that gives me an idea for a middle name! What is a kitten?" Ashley said "A baby cat. Why?" CC said "What is Cat typically a nickname for?" Ashley said "Catherine. Hey I like that! Sparrow Catherine Mora." CC said "I was thinking Sparrow Catherine Mora-Purdy. You did push her out after all." Ashley said "Looks like our daughter has a name"

Sparrow Catherine Mora-Purdy 3lbs 4 ounces 15 inches

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