When can she come home?

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It's been 3 months since Sparrow was born. Ashley and CC were getting frustrated. Ashley said "This isn't fair! It's July 27th. She's exactly 3 months old today and she STILL can't come home yet." Ashley decided to scroll through twitter. Someone tweeted him asking

"Is your baby home yet?! <3"

Ashley tweeted back "No unfortunately shes not able to come home yet, still waiting :,("

Unfortunately twitter trolls ended up seeing that tweet. They tweeted him things like "Its your fault your baby isn't home yet" "You had to have done something wrong during your pregnancy" "Men aren't supposed to have babies you freak" Ashley ended up doom scrolling through twitter reading all the horrible things being said about him. CC walked into the room and asked "Babe what are you doing?" Ashley handed CC his phone without saying a word with a sad look on his face. CC started reading the tweets and was getting pissed at what he was reading and said "This is bullshit, they shouldn't be allowed to talk to you like that." Ashley said "Freedom of speech." CC said "Well then I have freedom to respond." Ashley sighed "CC don't, just let it go." CC said "No! I'm not gonna let them think they can get away with talking to you like that!" CC took out his phone and tweeted

"To whom it may concern, no our daughter is not able to come home yet. No we don't know when she will be able to come home. Please respect our privacy at this time. Me and @AshleyPurdy are stressed out enough. All MPS babies are born premature. It is nobody's business but our own."

Lots of fans tweeted words of encouragement while attacking the trolls. Ashley was still upset about what he read. CC asked "You ok babe?" Ashley asked "What if they're right?" CC asked "What are you talking about?" Ashley asked "What if it is my fault she can't come home yet? What if i didn't relax enough? What if I drank too much and partied too hard before I got pregnant?" CC was shocked. He told Ashley "You stop that! You didn't do anything wrong. This is not your fault at all. You know damn well all Male Pregnancy Syndrome babies are born premature. The only reason she was born early is because you're a man and that's it. You did everything right." Ashley started tearing up and said "This isn't fair. If i did everything right why can't she come home yet?!"

CC said "Ashley you gotta understand yes there was a setback but she's getting stronger! You didn't do anything wrong. You gave birth and she lived! Shes still alive! Shes getting closer and closer every day to coming home. You did that Ashley. You should be proud." Ashley said "I just wish she could come home already." CC hugged him and kissed his temple and said "I know baby, I know." Ashley kissed CC on the lips. The kiss deepened. A make-out session ensued. Ashley smiled and giggled and said "Calm down CC we already have one baby." CC laughed and they sat in bed and cuddled.

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