Coming Clean

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Jake showed up to Jinxx's house. The way Jinxx was talking was making Jake nervous. He knocked on Jinxx's door and was relieved when Jinxx answered. Jake said "Oh good you're ok I was getting worried." Jinxx was confused and asked "Why wouldn't I be?" Jake said "You made it sound like something was wrong like you were dying!"

Jinxx said 'What? No! I just have a problem that I need to discuss with you and I'm honestly nervous because I don't know how you're gonna take it because I already know I'm gonna sound bat shit crazy."

Jake said "Jinxx just calm down. Talk to me. What's going on? It's ok." Jinxx took a deep breath and said "Look, something happened when I saw you holding Sparrow. After we lost the baby I was just as devastated as you. I'm just gonna come right out and say it. After we lost the baby and I saw you holding Sparrow it made me realize I WANT to have a baby with you and I wish we never lost the baby."

Jake was in shock. He said "Jinxx I wish we never lost the baby too." Jinxx said "I feel like I wanna try again. Get a second chance to have a baby with you. I guess getting you pregnant made me realize I like you in a way I never thought I could."

Jake said "Jinxx I like you too. I guess almost having your baby made me realize I like you more than just as a friend. I was heartbroken when we lost our baby. I didn't realize how much I actually wanted this until it was taken away from me. But Jinxx you have to realize, as much as I would love a second chance I can't do this again. I like you and I'm willing to give the whole going out thing a shot. But I don't wanna risk getting pregnant and ending up heartbroken again. I can't risk having a miscarriage again. I just can't."

Jinxx said "I understand Jake. I don't wanna see you go through that again either. That's why I was thinking we could try and do things a little differently." Jake asked "How would we do that? What difference would it make?" Jinxx said "Well if you think about it, I drank the tainted water at warped tour too."

Jake was in shock. He asked "Jinxx what are you saying?" Jinxx said "I want a second chance to have a baby with you Jake. I can see you want it too. I didn't realize this was something I wanted until I lost it. I don't want to see you potentially get heartbroken again. Remember at Ashley and CC's house when I said if I could I would switch places? I meant it."

Jake smiled and asked "You would really do that? You're willing to purposely get pregnant so we could have a second chance at having a baby?" Jinxx said "Yes. The only difference is this time we're sober." and giggled. Jake smiled and hugged Jinxx. They looked into each other's eyes nervously but excited. Jinxx leaned in and softly kissed Jake. Jake leaned in closer and deepened the kiss slowly laying Jinxx on his back. Jake looked down into Jinxx's eyes and asked "Are you sure you want to do this?" Jinxx looked up into Jakes eyes smiling and said simply "Yes."

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