Side Quest

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Events from now on are after the ending of season 2

Ever since the trader's reunion, Maggie and Nina have been wondering about their relationship.
Obviously, after such an awful breakup, Nina felt terrible, and not ready yet for another relationship, while Maggie just waited, looking across the street from her store, and every now and then, popped in there to help Nina out.
Nina appreciated that immensely, she hadn't noticed how much she needed the help until now, and even thought about asking Maggie to work full time for her.
Meanwhile, Maggie had been planning dates for both of them, just as friends, but with the intention to know each other better and see if everything would work out, mostly for Nina, as Maggie was ready to jump into the relationship headfirst.
They heard about Crowley and Aziraphale's breakup, mostly from Crowley, as he still checked every single day the bookshop, as he said "just to make sure she doesn't sell anything, you know?" but they all knew it wasn't about Muriel selling the books, he was waiting for Aziraphale to come back.
After Nina started noticing this, she'd make him 6 shots of espresso in a big cup and brought them across the street to him, hoping he'd end up opening up and figuring out what was going on, as everyday he seemed more and more upset.
And as you know, couples, or well, couples-to-be, talk, so one of those days, Maggie also went with Nina to the bookshop, they wanted to have another serious talk with him, this couldn't go on for any longer, it was obvious he was desperate. If last time they saw him really angry they got locked up, who knows what could happen now? He looked completely unhinged.
Three knocks on the door and Muriel opened. She didn't interact much with the neighborhood, so she just assumed they were customers.
"Hello, hello, hello, what do you need? any books?" the angel asked, and they both just laughed lightly.
"Not really looking for books" Nina stated.
"Yeah, we were hoping to talk to him" Maggie pointed to Crowley sitting on the couch, that couch where he used to look to Aziraphale read, or write his diary, who just looked honestly surprised.
"Oh. Oh well, okay, it's not like nobody looks to talk to me anyways, come in" Muriel answered, with a smile that let through a bit of sadness.

"We need to talk" Nina said as her and Maggie sat down in front of Crowley.
"I don't really think we do" the demon answered, quite angry. "It's not like last time was any good, and I'm not a big fan of sequels"
"What do you mean it wasn't any good? You got to open up to someone you l-" Maggie was interrupted by Crowley.
"I got to lose the love of my life, and now I get to miss him every single day, and I get to come up here, everyday and just be disappointed it's her who's here instead of him." he pointed at Muriel who was taking a look at some books quite far away from them "Instead you get to live happy, despite all our meddling in your personal life as you said. How's that fair?"
"Look, we understand how you might feel, but it's not fair to anyone to pay for this" Maggie continued "it's not our fault, we didn't put those thoughts in your mind, they were already yours."
"Exactly, and you should stop being so whiny and step up and do something" Nina tried to back up Maggie "There must be something you can do, aren't you a demon or something like that? Then act like it, coming back here over and over again isn't gonna fix anything" Maggie looked at Nina as if she had seen a comet shining in the sky as bright as ten thousand suns.
"That's easy to say, try being cast down from Heaven and then going back up saying 'Hey, I'm back, miss me? I'm looking for a certain angel, and I'm taking him with me.' Sure I've been there before, but it's not like it was, I don't know where he is." Crowley looked as if he was about to cry.
"Then figure it out. You've known each other for a long time" Nina wasn't gonna let this go "You should be more than able to find him."
"I- no- that's not- no-" Crowley tried to say but Maggie and Nina were already standing up and leaving. Two very stubborn ladies some might say.
"This is final, find him"
Maggie was too starstruck to speak, so she was gonna let Nina do all the talking, but she said as she was closing the door "It's an order" with a funny-frightening voice.

And so, they left the bookshop.
Maggie held on to Nina's arm as they crossed the street "Do you know how pretty you get when you talk like that?"
"Oh, don't start angel, I might end up being your new partner if you keep talking like that"
"Hmmm what a threat, gorgeous"
"Shut up" Nina laughed. She was becoming more and more fond of Maggie each day, she had no doubt that when she's ready, she'll take Maggie on a real date and make her officially her girlfriend.
"Dinner tonight?" Maggie proposed.
"Sure thing, my treat" Nina answered, that day, was coming closer.

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