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Sophia sat looking out the window as Drew drove through the city. Sophia's grandfather lived in a small city about two hours away from Jellico Tennessee named Willowbrook. Willowbrook was a city of upper and middle class residents. Dennis Carter had moved there fourty years before, when he began working for a man by the name of Everette Montgomery. He had lived in another small city about thirty minutes from Willowbrook named Gravelton. Gravelton was a city of mostly lower class residents. After moving to Willowbrook he met the beautiful Gracie Montgomery, Everette's daughter. She soon became his wife and the mother to his four children. Dennis was also given his father in laws restaurant. A place named The Willowbrook Bistro. Later he also opened a nightclub which he named Euphoria, which became very popular over the years.

Dennis lived at the edge of the city in a quiet secluded area on a large piece of property, in a large stone house with a guest house on the property on Rosewood drive. As they drove closer Sophia was able to get a good look at the house. It was the most beautiful house she had ever seen. Sophia's mother never took her or her sister Sarah to visit their grandfather, so she never got to see the beautiful home he lived in until now. "So do you live with my grandfather or do you have a fancy home of your own somewhere else around here?" She asked as Drew drove down the driveway until he reached a large garage that was attached to the breathtaking home.

Drew took a moment before he answered. "I live in the guest house, and I work for your grandfather, but I'm not from Willowbrook" he finally replied as he shut off the engine and got out of the vehicle. Before Drew could say anything else Dennis was meeting them at the front door with his daughter Faith right behind him. "Sophia, It's so good to see you sweetheart. Although I wish it was under different circumstances" Dennis said greeting her. "Me too" Sophia replied as her grandfather hugged her. Sophia was hesitant to hug him as it was a little weird for her because she hardly knew her grandfather.

"Now I know you may not be too thrilled to be here, but this is for your safety. I had no idea it would have ever come to this again, until after what happened to your sister" Dennis said. "What do you mean again?" Sophia asked. "This is a talk for another time. Right now I have to get to the club. Just know, that you are safe here" Dennis said. With that he left the room to let her get settled in. Before leaving he pulled Drew aside. "You don't let her go anywhere alone. I am making it your job to look after her while I am not around" Dennis told him. "Got it" Drew replied.

Sophia was unpacking her things when there was a knock at the bedroom door. She opened it and Faith stood on the other side. "Hey, so I was thinking if you want to I could show you around and then we could make dinner. You can meet my father's crew" she said. "His crew?" Sophia questioned. "Just some guys that work for him. They are always around, so you might as well meet them" Faith replied. "Okay" Sophia replied with somewhat of a smile, following Faith around the house as she showed her around. She was still in awe over the house. It was absolutely gorgeous. The living room had a sectional couch, multiple recliners and a movie theater screen instead of a television, a large kitchen fit for a chef, and out in the backyard was a patio with furniture and a large in-ground pool. She never imagined she would live in a house this amazing.

Later that night Sophia and Faith were in the kitchen making dinner when Drew came through the back door, soaking wet from the pool with a towel hanging over his shoulders. his coal black hair fell down into his face, and water drops raced down his tattooed chest and Sophia could not stop staring at him, thankfully he hadn't noticed. Faith did however, and Sophia knew it when she looked over and seen the smile on her face. "Stare much" Faith joked with a laugh. "Shut up" Sophia replied. "What?" Drew questioned as he wondered what the two of them were talking about. "Nothing" Sophia answered before Faith could say anything. "I have to go to the bathroom" Faith said before rushing out of the room leaving Sophia and Drew alone.

"So, what was that?" Drew asked. "What was what?" Sophia replied. "That between you and Faith" he said. "Nothing, like I said" she answered. "You know it's okay if you were staring. I know I'm sexy" Drew joked. "Someone is a little full of themselves, and that sir is not attractive" Sophia laughed. ,"And yet you were checking me out" Drew said with a smile. "I was not checking you out. I may have looked at you for a moment, but I was not checking you out" She replied. "You know it's okay if you were. I wouldn't mind at all" he said with a smirk. That smile of his and his blue eyes are what made all the girls fall for him. Although he didn't stick with any one woman for too long, and he never loved them in return. His comment made her blush, so she put her head down and continued to peel potatoes.

Before Drew got the chance to say anything else four other young men came walking through the front door. She knew two of them were her twin uncles Jackson and Max. They came to visit her mother a few years ago with Faith. Although Faith visited more often. Her grandfather never visited and that is why she hardly knew him. She only knew what her mother had told her. Sophia did not know who the other two guys were that came in with her uncles. She could barely tell her uncles apart. Faith came back into the kitchen a few moments later. "Oh, I see almost everyone made it" she said. "Where is dad?" she asked Max. "He's on his way" Max replied. "Well Sophia this is Danny Sinclair and Noah Radcliffe" Faith said. Dennis came in moments later and all of them sat down to eat. After dinner Faith and Sophia cleared the table and cleaned up the mess. Dennis headed back to the club along with Drew, Danny, and the twins. Sophia walked up the stairs and headed to finish unpacking. She was walking past Faith's room when she overheard a conversation between Faith and Noah.

"We can't keep this a secret anymore. I have to tell my father. We both know it was a mistake. We'll make that clear, but we have to tell" Faith cried. "If that's what you want that is what we will do. I just can't believe this is happening" Noah said as he held Faith in his arms.

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