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Besides her ID Sophia and Shelby found a room key for a room at the Willowbrook Inn. On the way to the hotel Sophia stopped back at home. "What are we doing here?" Shelby asked as she followed Sophia to the guest house. "Well we need some things" Sophia replied. She got into Drew's closet and pulled out a gun. "When we find her, we find out where my uncle is and then we kill her. That's the plan" she said. "O-Oh okay" Shelby said nervously. "Are you sure that your going to be able to do this?" Sophia asked. At first Shelby did not answer. "Jackson is out there probably hurt, fighting for his life. We need to save him. What would you do if this was Danny?" Sophia asked her. Shelby took a deep breath. "Let's get the bitch" she replied. 

The girls drove to the Inn and found her room number. They opened the door and went inside. She was not there, but all of her belongings were so they knew she would come back for them, so they decided to wait. They waited for hours. The day was coming to an end when finally they heard a car pull up. The two of them hid in the bathroom. They heard the room door open and then close. They came out of the bathroom to find Emily standing there trying to quickly pack her bags.  "Going somewhere?" Sophia asked her. Emily jumped back. "What the hell are you doing?" she snapped. Sophia took out the gun. "I'm going to ask you one time, where is my uncle?" Sophia asked as she approached her with Shelby right beside her. "I'm not telling you shit" Emily replied. Sophia hit her in the face knocking her to the floor, and then she continued to kick and punch her until Emily grabbed Sophia's leg causing her to fall. The two girls wrestled around on the floor trying to kill each other when Emily began to get the best of Sophia. Emily sat on her as she had a good grip on Sophia's throat. Sophia kept swinging on her, trying to fight for her life. That is until Shelby grabbed the gun from where it landed on the floor and hit Emily in the back of her head, causing her to fall unconscious. Sophia pushed Emily away from her and sat up gasping for air. "Thank you, now lets get her out of here" Sophia said when she caught her breath.

Dennis and the guys were back at Euphoria gathered in his office. He was telling them about the phone call he received from Mickey on Jackson's phone. "He said Jackson is somewhere I'd never go. There is only one place I can think of that I won't go, that he will. We will go tonight. Drew and Max will go with me and Danny you will go and stay with Noah and the girls" Dennis said. Suddenly his phone began to ring. Once again it was Jackson's phone. "Hello" Dennis said. At first he could hear a man scream in pain. "Jackson!" Dennis shouted, and then he heard Mickey's laughter. Meanwhile, Mickey continued to torture Jackson any way he could while keeping him alive.  He put the phone up to Jackson's ear and told him what to say. "Dad, he says if you come for me he will kill both of us, and then he will go for the rest of the family" Jackson said in a weak tone. "Over my dead body" Dennis replied before the line went dead. "What did he say?" Mickey asked. "He said fuck you" Jackson replied with somewhat of a smile. Mickey punched him in the face once again causing more blood to run from his mouth. 

Danny returned to the house to find Faith and Noah, but no Sophia and Shelby. "Where's the other two girls?" Danny asked. Noah didn't say a word, and Faith definitely looked guilty. "They went to help look for Jackson. Sophia thinks Brooke has something to do with it. "You let them go? They were told to stay out of it" Danny snapped at Noah. "I warned them, but they went anyway" Noah shouted back. "If something happens to my girl. I'm gonna kill you" Danny told Noah. "I'd like to see that happen" Noah replied. "Alright, Stop it!" Faith shouted at the both of them. Danny took out his phone, but before he could call anyone Sophia and Shelby walked through the door. Danny wrapped his arms around Shelby and kissed her. "Are you okay babe?" he asked. "Just fine, but we have something we need to show you" Shelby said. "Did you find Brooke?" Faith asked. "Her name isn't Brooke, it's Emily Davis. She is Mickey's daughter. She was told to lour Jackson in so Mickey could get to him" Sophia said. 

Mickey stood in the basement over an unconscious Jackson when his phone began to ring. In the background of the call he could hear Emily screaming for help. "You have an hour to let go of my Uncle or she dies" Sophia said. "Not a chance" Mickey said before hanging up the phone. Once he hung up he began to panic. He had to find a way to get his daughter back, without giving up Jackson. He was so close to bringing Dennis to his knees. He decided he would try and get her back without giving Jackson up. He was about to get into his car when two other cars pulled up. Out of the cars came Dennis, Max, and Drew. Before Mickey could do anything Dennis shot him in both of his knees and Mickey fell to the ground. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't find you" Dennis said as he stood over him. He hit him multiple times until he was nearly unconscious. While Dennis was outside Drew and Max searched the cabin for Jackson. They found him in the basement barely hanging onto his life. They untied him and got him out of the house, and put him in in Dennis's car. Dennis and Max rushed him to the hospital. They told them that they had found Jackson in the parking lot of Euphoria without any knowledge of how he got so badly injured, and when the police came it was Sam who showed up. "My daughter better be safe Dennis" he said. "She is, she's with Danny and Noah and the girls. Drew is headed back to the house now" Dennis said.

When Drew reached the house he got Noah and Danny to help him bring Mickey in to the house. When they took him to the basement Drew noticed Shelby and Sophia standing over Emily, who was covered in bruises and bleeding. "What is going on?" Drew asked.

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