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"She did this.She loured Jackson to her father so he could kill him" Sophia said. "So, you found her and brought her here?" Drew questioned. "Do you know what could've happened to the two of you. What if she wasn't alone?" You could have been hurt or killed" Drew snapped. "But, I wasn't. I did what I had to do" Sophia said. Instead of continuing the argument he pulled Sophia into his embrace and held her tightly. "I love you, and I can't lose you" he said. "You won't" she replied. Once they were sure that Mickey nor Emily could get away they left the basement. shortly after Dennis arrived home and when he went to the basement much to his surprise both Emily and Mickey were waiting for him. Sophia and Drew explained why and for a moment Dennis scolded Sophia and Shelby for doing such a dangerous job, before he turned back to Mickey. Once he had regained consciousness Max beat Mickey until he could barely stay awake.

Sophia, Shelby and Faith then went to the basement with a bottle of liquor. Sophia held a gun to Emily's head and made her take shot after shot. Every time she refused they tortured her. They beat her until she complied. "Please just don't kill her" Mickey begged. "Too bad, you should have thought about that before you came for my family" Sophia said. Dennis and Max made sure Mickey stayed awake while Sophia and Shelby tortured Emily as Faith watched. "Please, not my daughter" Mickey cried. "You didn't think about that when you killed my niece, or when my sister took her own life, or when you tried to kill my twin brother!" Max shouted at him. Mickey watched as his daughter slowly died. They made her drink until she vomited on herself, and then they made her drink more. Once they believed she was as intoxicated as she got Jackson the night of the costume party, they beat her until she was barely hanging onto life. Then Sophia took her grandfather's gun and fired two shots into Emily's chest, killing her.

"No! Please no!" Mickey shouted. Once they knew she was dead they removed her body from the basement. "Just kill me now" Mickey begged. Watching one of his children die had nearly killed him anyway. "Not yet" Dennis said before firing a shot into Mickey's shoulder. "I want you to die slowly. You have tried to take everything from me. You actually thought you had a chance. You may have brought me to my knees, but you did not destroy me. Now I'm going to slowly kill you, just like you tried to do to me. I win" Dennis laughed. "No, you don't. My son will come for your family" Mickey said. "Let him try" Dennis replied with a grin, as he shot Mickey once again. He sat and waited as Mickey slowly bled to death. Once Dennis was sure he was dead he had the guys help him put them both in his car. He had Drew follow him in his car back to the cabin. They put both Mickey and Emily in the front seat of Dennis's car, poured gasoline all over it and caught the car on fire. 

Later that night Sophia and Drew were sitting in the kitchen when they heard  Faith cry for help from the living room. They rushed into the living room to find Faith standing by the couch. "I'm in labor" she cried. Drew called Noah and they helped Faith to the car. Dennis and Max were already at the hospital with Jackson, but Drew called Dennis anyways. Early the next morning Faith gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. "Her name is going to be Grace" Faith said as everyone gathered around her. "She's beautiful" Noah said as he held his daughter in his arms for the first time. After a couple of hours everyone began to leave to let Faith rest. "Wait" Faith said, before Dennis was able to leave. "We have something to tell you" Faith said. "What is it?" Dennis asked. "We are moving, I've been packing my things. Noah and I found a place away from here" Faith said. "Why?" Dennis asked practically speechless. He didn't want her to leave. How would he keep her safe if she moved away. "We want Grace to grow up happy and safe" Faith replied. "How is she going to be safe, or you? How will you be safe if I can't protect you?" Dennis asked. "I plan on doing everything in my power to keep them both safe. This is the best way to keep them safe" Noah said. "You better" Dennis replied. "I will sir" he said. "When is this happening?" Dennis asked them. "Our home will be ready in a couple of weeks" Faith said. Dennis nodded in reply. He hugged his daughter, kissed her forehead, and wished the two of them well before leaving the hospital room.

As Dennis was leaving the hospital his phone began to ring. An unknown number came up. "Hello" he said. "You may think this is over, but you couldn't be more wrong" Zeke said before hanging up. Dennis headed home to tell Drew about the phone call he had received. When he entered the guest house he found Drew in bed with Sophia sleeping peacefully. Anger filled him. He had warned Drew to stay away from her. Not to get any ideas in his head about the two of them and he did anyway. "What the hell is going on?" Dennis shouted waking them both up. Both of them looked shocked to see him standing there. "Grandpa" Sophia said in a shocked tone of voice. "Don't Grandpa me! I told you both this was off limits. Now Drew, you can get the hell out of my house" Dennis snapped. "That's not fair" Sophia cried. "I don't care!" Dennis shouted before leaving the guest house.

Drew got up and began packing his bags. He gave Danny a call to explain the situation, so Danny said he could stay there. "So, that's it. Your just going to leave" Sophia said to him. "I don't really have a choice" Drew replied as he put his clothes in his bags. "We can talk to him" she said. "That isn't going to work, if you couldn't tell I don't think he's going to listen" Drew said. With that said Sophia began to cry. "I don't want this to be over" she said. Drew pulled her into a hug, holding her as tightly as he could once again. "This isn't over. We will see each other somehow" he said, kissing her before leaving.

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