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So many people gathered at Dennis's funeral. Family and friends filled the funeral home where his funeral was being held. In the front row sat his children, granddaughter's and the gentlemen that worked for him. The service wasn't anything less than beautiful. Many guests stood to say something, weather it be words for the family or a memory. They closed down bistro for the day and held the wake there. Unfortunately Jackson was unable to attend either, because he was still in the hospital, but his siblings went to visit him after the funeral was over. This broke Jackson and his siblings to pieces. Their father hadn't been around a lot when they were young, so Savannah took care of them, but when she moved away Dennis tried his best to balance both work and his home life and the bond between him and his children became stronger. 

His assets were split between his children and granddaughter. The twins, Danny, and Faith got Euphoria, and Sophia got the bistro. In such a short time they had lost so much, this is why Faith and Noah were eager to move and keep their family safe. Just days after her father's funeral they packed up the car and headed to their new home near Noah's brother and mother. They said their goodbyes to everyone and left. Sam agreed to escort them on their journey with a few other officers so that no one would follow them or put their lives in danger. The rest of them sat and waited for the perfect time to go after Zeke. They spent months planning and searching for him. Finally they found him hiding out in a small community on the outskirts of Gravelton, but they knew that the time wasn't quite right yet. They wanted him to sweat it out. They wanted him to sit wondering when they were going to come for him. By this time Jackson was out of the hospital, doing well, and ready for revenge. 

Sophia and Shelby sat on Sophia's bed. "Are you going to tell Drew?" Shelby asked her. "This couldn't have happened at a worse time" Sophia cried. "You don't know, maybe he'll be happy. I know we've been through a lot but he might actually be happy" Shelby replied. "This is crazy. You and Faith are the only ones that know. I called her last night when I found out. She's already planning events and picking out baby names" Sophia laughed. "Just tell Drew now" Shelby suggested. Later that night when Drew came in from doing work at the bistro, Sophia sat down with him. "I haven't been feeling well Drew" she said. "Go to the doctor babe" Drew replied. "I did babe. They told me that I'm pregnant. We're having twins" she said trying to smile, but also scared of his reaction. Drew froze, he didn't know what to say or do. A father? How could he possibly be a father at this point in his life? However he also knew that Sophia did not get herself into this alone, so he wasn't about to let her face this alone. "I know we aren't ready" Sophia said with tears in her eyes. "But we will figure this out together" Drew replied, wrapping his arms around her. Sophia sighed in relief before reaching up to kiss him.

A few days later Sophia came home from a long day of doing work at the bistro. She said goodbye to Danny and Shelby who dropped her off at home. When she went into the house was quiet and the only light on was in the dining room. When she walked into the dining room Drew was standing there with a bouquet of roses next to a candle lit dinner. He walked up to her and handed her the roses before getting down on one knee. butterflies swarmed Sophia's stomach and her eyes filled with tears. In this moment she was the happiest she had been in a very long time. "Sophia, I love you with everything I have. You are truly the love of my life. I've never wanted a woman more than I want you and I couldn't be happier to be the man you love and the father of our children. Will you marry me?" he asked her with tears in his eyes. "Yes" she replied letting the tears fall down her cheeks. "I love you so much" he said standing up to kiss her after putting the ring on her finger.The next night was the night the guys planned to go after Zeke. They prepared themselves and spent as much time as they could with their girlfriends before leaving that night. 

Zeke sat in his hotel room pacing back and forth. He knew they were going to come for him. In fact he couldn't understand why they had waited so long. He had become paranoid waiting for them to strike. He hoped that he had a chance to get away before they came since they had not yet come for him. He began to pack his bags. He didn't know where he would go, but he knew he needed to get away. He was in his car ready to leave when another car pulled into the parking lot directly behind him. From his rear view mirror he seen Drew in the driver seat of the SUV behind him. He started his car and took off. Drew chased him for miles down back roads. Zeke slowed down just a little to try to turn when Drew slammed into his back end, causing his car to spin. The air bag busted Zeke in the face causing his face to bleed. Drew walked over to his car and opened the door. He put a gun to Zeke's head forcing him to get out of his car and into Drew's. "Why don't you just kill me already" Zeke said. "Because, that's not my job" Drew replied.

He drove to the cabin where Mickey had taken Jackson. He forced him inside the house where Max and Jackson waited for them. Danny stayed behind at Dennis's with Sophia and Shelby. When they got inside Jackson and Max got him down on the floor and began to beat him. "An eye for an eye bitch" Jackson said as they beat him until he was nearly dead. He had tried to fight back, but it did not work. Then Jackson took out his gun and fired three shots into Zeke's chest like he had done to their father. "Now it's over" Max said before they left.

Six months later Sophia and Drew were married. The ceremony and reception were absolutely stunning and everyone enjoyed themselves. In the months that followed they prepared for the birth of their son and daughter. Then finally the day came. Sophia went into labor and early into the next afternoon she gave birth to their twins Lilly and Landon Dunham.

The Wild OnesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora