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Drew sat in club Euphoria at the bar talking to some young woman, who's name he had already forgotten. He was just trying to get her to go home with him at this point.  His phone began to ring. He looked down at his phone to see that Dennis was calling him from downstairs. "Listen, I'm sorry what was your name? That's a great story babe, but I have to take this" he said before getting up and walking away to answer the phone. "Hello" Drew said as he stepped outside. "Grab Danny, and have Noah take over at the door. Come down to my office, I have a job for the two of you" Dennis said before hanging up the phone. Drew did just that after hanging up.

"There is a man named Sebastian Hawthorne, he owes me a lot of money and I'm tired of waiting for it. He lives here in Willowbrook, and with the money he is bringing in he damn well better have mine. I want you two to go and collect my money" Dennis said. "And, if  he doesn't have it?" Drew asked. "Then I want you to kill him" Dennis replied. "Got it" Drew said and the two of them were on their way to Sebastian's. "So man, have you noticed how weird Noah has been acting the last couple weeks. He doesn't talk much and he's been hanging around less" Danny said. "What are you a girl, and no I didn't notice" Drew replied.

"Nah man, I'm not a girl. He's my best friend, and yours. At least I thought anyway. I mean, besides Sophia" Danny said putting emphasis on her name. "I don't know what your talking about dude" Drew replied. "Oh come on brother, you've been spending a hell of a lot of time with her. I mean, I know Dennis asked you to watch her back when he's not around, but you enjoy spending time with her don't you?" Danny teased him. "Just shut up and let's go, we're here doofus" Drew said before getting out of the car. 

Drew knocked on the door and a moment later the door opened. "I don't have what your here for. If Dennis could just--" "Not a chance" Drew said, cutting him off before he could even finish his sentence. Drew punched him knocking him to the ground. He continued hitting him until Sebastian was unconscious. When he regained consciousness he was tied to a chair in his living room and Drew and Danny were standing around him. "Where's the money?" Drew asked. "I told you I don't have it" Sebastian said. "Liar" he replied. Drew took the pocket knife he kept on him from his pocket, and cut off Sebastian's pinky finger. Sebastian cried out in pain as his blood poured onto the carpet. "I don't---" Sebastian couldn't even finish his sentence before Drew fired a shot into his left leg. "Your lying, you've been all around town spending your money. You don't think Dennis hears about these things. He practically owns this city. Now, I'm gonna ask you one more time before I kill you. Where is Dennis's money?" Drew asked angrily. He was growing impatient.

This time Sebastian stayed quiet as if he was trying to decide weather he was going to tell him where the money was. Drew did not wait before firing another shot, this time into his shoulder. He once again screamed in pain. "Now, you can either tell me where the money is, or I can kill you now, but I won't stop there. I'm going to come back for your wife next time. I will collect one way or another" Drew said. By now Sebastian was quickly losing blood. "It's in the study, in the safe behind the portrait of my family. the code is 043021" he said. "Good man" Drew replied with a smile. He nodded to Danny, who nodded back, and left the room briefly. When he returned he had a bag and gas can in his hands. "Please no" Sebastian cried as Danny poured gasoline all over him. "Should have paid up sooner my friend" Drew said before lighting a match and dropping it on the floor. Sebastian screamed as his body went up in flames. Drew heard him screaming in the distance as he opened the safe.

It turned out he did have the money plus interest. Drew grabbed the bag that Danny had given him and filled it with all the cash from the safe. By this time Sebastian was dead and the fire was spreading rather quickly. Smoke was beginning to fill the house, so Danny and Drew got out as quickly as they could. Drew drove back to the club and gave Dennis his money. "Here's your money" Drew said putting the bag on the desk in front of Dennis. "Ah yes, thank you gentlemen. Now here is your cut" Dennis said giving each of them a stack of cash. Drew took his money and went upstairs. He took a couple of shots and went back to find the young woman he was talking to, and he flirted with her until she agreed to go home with him.

Sophia got out of bed and grabbed her robe. She had just woken up from another dream about her mother and this time her sister was there too. She went downstairs to find Drew sitting at the table drinking a beer. She grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. She sat down at the table across from Drew. "What are you doing up so late? Did you have another dream?" Drew asked her. "yeah" Sophia replied. "I'm surprised you don't have company" she added. "I did, she left early, said she didn't like my attitude" he smirked. "Well, you do treat women like objects. There's more to women then their sexy bodies and their ability to please you" Sophia said.

"I guess I can't argue with that" he said. "I'm not saying your a bad guy Drew. I do happen to believe there is another side to you. You just don't show people that side of you, but I seen it, so I know you can be sweet" she said. "Your crazy, I'm not built like that" Drew said with an attitude. "Whatever you say" she responded. "So, Faith and I went to the mall today. Some man chased us out. I've never seen him before. He was watching us at the food court, and when we tried to leave he followed us until we started running, then we lost him in the crowd" she said, changing the subject. "Where was Max?" Drew asked. "He was asleep, so we went alone" Sophia replied. 

" I was just trying to get Faith out of the house. She hasn't been acting like herself and staying in her room" she added. "That's funny Danny said the same thing about Noah. He said Noah has been acting weird lately, like not himself" he said. "I know why" she said. "Why?" he asked. "You have to promise not to tell" Sophia said. "I won't, I promise" Drew said. 

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