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 Earlier that evening Beth sat in her living room on her couch in front of her television. All she could think about was her youngest son. She knew she was wrong for keeping such a large secret from him. She just didn't want to hurt anyone. When her marriage began to come back together she didn't want to lose her husband over something she considered a mistake. She never looked at her son as a mistake, but it was the act between her and Dennis that was her mistake. She loved her husband and both of her sons, and she did not want her family to be divided by something that should have never happened. She was aware that all this did was make things worse and she knew she owed her husband the truth, but unfortunately it was too late. Now her husband was gone and neither of her children had spoken to her since they found out, and she was full of nothing but guilt. Her oldest son Ricky wouldn't speak to her because she had an affair on his father and lied about it for twenty one years, and because Danny and Ricky had always been close until he moved away, so they took each others problems personal. 

She had cried so much that she began to dose off. That is until she heard someone banging on her door. She walked to the window and peeked out, moving the curtain just slightly so that she could not be seen. Standing on her porch was a man she had never seen before. He looked angry, and she was quick to notice the gun on his hip. When she didn't answer the door after a moment, he began trying to break the door down. She ran upstairs and locked herself in her bathroom. She paced the bathroom trying to figure out what she could do. She heard the man bust through her front door. She opened her bathroom window and began to scream for help, hoping someone in the neighborhood would be out and could hear her. Usually at this time in her neighborhood were getting ready for bed or going out. "Please someone help me!" she screamed as she heard the man coming up her stairs. It was much easier for the man to bust through the door this time.

He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her head into the mirror. Blood ran from the side of her head "P-Plea" Beth tried to speak as she grabbed at his fingers trying to move them away from her throat, but his grip was too strong. He tossed her to the floor and beat her with his fists until she was nearly unconscious. Beth fought hard to defend herself. Then he got down on the floor close to her bleeding face. Beth struggled to stay awake. "You tell Dennis and the rest of them to stop while they are ahead, He'll never find Mickey, but he will suffer" the man said with a laugh, and he left. Police sirens sounded in the distance and that was the last thing Beth heard before she passed out.

Danny ran through the doors of Willowbrook Mercy Medical Center. "My name is Daniel Sinclair my mother Bethany Sinclair is here" he said in a panic. He could hardly catch his breath.  "Right this way" the nurse at the desk said. She showed Danny to his mothers room. "She just woke up" the nurse said before Danny went inside the room. "Oh, Danny" she cried as she seen him. "Mom, what happened?" Danny asked as he looked at his mothers bruised neck and chest. Her arm was in a cast and her head was bandaged. "I'm not sure why this happened. I was sitting at home, and suddenly there was a man at the door. I tried to run but he burst in and found me in the bathroom. He choked and beat me. He's so angry at Dennis for some reason" Beth wept. Danny sat there beside his mother, as rage filled him. "I'll take care of this" Danny reacted sharply. "Please don't leave right now" she said. "I won't" Danny replied.

Beth reached her hand out and grabbed Danny's. She gripped it tightly. "I am so sorry for everything son" she sobbed. "Mom, we don't---" "Yes we do" she cut him off. "I thought I was helping by not telling. I thought I was protecting you by not telling anyone. I didn't want to break our family apart, but I know now that I was wrong for that. I came to realize that a while ago and I should've told you then. So, I am so sorry and I hope you can forgive me someday" she said. "I hope that too, but for now let's just try and move forward" he replied. "Sounds good to me" Beth said with a smile. "I'm going to call Ricky, he's been calling me since I was on my way here" he said. Danny stepped outside the room. "Hey man, I've been calling you" Ricky said as soon as he answered. "It's mom, She's in the hospital. She's been messed up pretty bad. I know it has to do with the stuff I'm involved in. That's why I'm going to handle it. I want you to come and get her. Take her back home with you so she is safe" Danny said. "You got it little brother. I'll be there tomorrow. When she gets out of the hospital I'll bring her home" Ricky said before hanging up. 

Danny went back into the room and spent most of the night with his mother before leaving. He went back to his apartment and took a shower before going to his mother's house. He spent the day reviewing her camera that showed the outside of her house. He watched as the man came on to her porch banging on the door to get into the house before proceeding to try to break it down. Danny once again filled with rage. He planned to kill whoever did this to his mother. However, he also felt guilty. He had spent so much time being angry at his mother and in the blink of an eye she could have been gone. One of the only two people he had left in the world and she could have been gone just like that, and he wasn't there to stop it. Danny thought hard about this as he looked at the cameras. It wasn't until the man looked right into the camera, which must have been well hidden, that Danny realized who it was. "Your going down you son of a bitch" Danny snapped, as he left his mother's house.

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