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Dennis sat in his office in Euphoria deep in thought. The people above him danced and drank and enjoyed themselves, including his children who had not talked to him in over a month. He knew once he told them all the truth that this would happen, and he did not blame them. He hoped however, that in time, once they were ready they would come to him and let him explain. He knew the truth and he only hoped that his children did not assume the worst of him. He knew that they probably assumed he had an affair on their mother with Beth, Danny's mother, due to the fact that Faith wasn't much older than Danny. This was not the case. 

Danny and the twins sat at a table in Euphoria with beers in their hands and a round of shots on the table. "Why would you want to talk to him?" Jackson asked Danny as he took a shot. "I have questions that I need answered" he replied. " So, ask your mom" Max said. "I haven't talked to her since she told me that Dennis is my father and not the man who I grew up with, the man who's name I carry. She tried to explain but I was so pissed I walked out" Danny said. "She did tell me before I left that she made Dennis promise her he wouldn't tell. This is her fault, so I'm not talking to her right now" he added. "I'm gonna go have a conversation with Dennis" Danny said. 

Meanwhile Drew sat at a table alone. For the first time in forever he wasn't surrounded by women hoping that he would give them attention. He sat there watching Sophia on the dance floor. She danced around with a smile on her face as if no one was around. He found himself doing a lot of that lately. He had been with plenty of women but there was something about Sophia, other than her breathtaking beauty. He had always focused on what a woman looked like or how well she could please him. This was not because he had anything against women, but Drew knew that part of his job required him to bring out a monster within himself. Someone who had undoubtedly gained enemies. This job was how he lived. This was also why he didn't attach himself to women, because he didn't want them to end up hurt because of him. However, there was something about Sophia that tempted him to cross that line. This is why he planned to do everything in his power to protect her. Although, he knew nothing could come from his growing affection for her because if Dennis found out all hell would break loose. 

Sophia came up to the table, pulling Drew from his thoughts. "What ya thinkin' about?" she asked. "Nothing" Drew replied. "So you mean that lost look on your face was for no reason" she said. "It's nothing you have to worry about" Drew replied. "Well are you okay?" she asked, concerned. "Yes I'm okay" Drew looked up at her with a smile. "Good, come and dance with me" she said excitedly as she tried to pull him out of his seat by his arms. As soon as he stood up she pulled him towards the dance floor. He stood there and she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close as she danced to the rhythm of the music. soon Drew was dancing along with her, as the both of them laughed. Sophia was having the time of her life for the first time since before she lost her sister. Even more fun than she had with her friends back home when they would try and cheer her up. Drew would probably never admit it, but he was having more fun than he had in a long time. 

Dennis sat at his desk with his head in his hands. He ran his fingers through his short silver hair, raking his brain for something to tell his kids. A way to get them to talk to him once again. He missed them coming to him when there was something wrong. It was bad enough that one of his children went to their grave without knowing the truth. Although he knew that along with her siblings, Savannah would have never forgiven him for a secret this big. Especially because he had kept it a secret for so long. He knew he should've told his children, especially Danny. He had wanted to be apart of Danny's life from the moment that he found out Beth was pregnant, but Beth made him promise to keep things a secret. There was a knock on the door, so Dennis hurried and wiped the tears that began to build in his eyes. "Come in" he called to the person on the other side of the door. 

The door opened and Danny walked in. "Danny!" Dennis said, shocked to see him. "I have a couple questions?" he said. "Of course" Dennis said as Danny sat down. "What happened between you and my mother? Why would she cheat on my dad?" he asked. "I know that your mother and I have been friends for a long time, what happened between us wasn't supposed to happen. We turned to each other for comfort one evening and things went too far. I made a promise to your mother because her and your dad mended their relationship. You were all happy and I couldn't ruin that, even with the truth" Dennis said. "Is that why you were always coming around, and bringing stuff on my birthdays and holidays?" Danny asked. "Yes, I told your mother not to let anyone know they were from me. How did you know?" Dennis asked. "I caught you putting a package on our porch the day before my tenth birthday, and my mother always made an excuse to leave when I would open a specific gift each time. Almost like she didn't want to see my reaction. After I found out I put things together and figured it out" Danny replied. 

Their conversation was interrupted by Danny's phone beginning to ring. The call came up Willowbrook Mercy Medical Center. "Hello" he answered. "Hello I'm looking for Daniel Sinclair" the women on the other end of the phone said. "This is him" Danny replied. "Hello sir, your mother Bethany is here with us, and she is asking for you" she said. "I'm on my way" he replied before quickly hanging up. Without another word he was up and out the door, headed for the hospital.   

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