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Sophia's heart raced as she stood in front of this unknown man. "Look, I'm not sure..." "Shut up" he snapped at her. So, she did just that. She stood there thinking about her life. How months ago she hoped her life would end, and now she was finally adjusting to the way her life had become. She had no idea if she was going to live or die in this moment, but if she had a choice it would be to live. She looked at the man in front of her. She had no idea who this man was, or why he would want to kill her but she intended to find out. She promised herself that if she made it home that night she was going to ask Dennis why all of this was happening and why she was in danger. All she knew was that her sister was murdered by someone who wanted to hurt her grandfather and her mother soon followed by taking her own life, which she assumed was a bonus to whoever this person was, but she wanted to know why.

Meanwhile Faith and Shelby were out in the parking lot. Faith had already called Drew and him and the rest of the guys including Dennis were on their way as well as the police. Drew made it to them before anyone else. "What the hell happened? Where is she?" he asked before the two girls could say a word. "She's in the furniture store. We were shopping for a baby crib, when this man came in and started shooting. I've never seen him, so I don't know if this has anything to do with my father" Faith said. Drew tried not to show either of them he was worried, but the look on his face said it all. He was terrified, which wasn't like him. Drew was rarely scared of anything, not even death scared him, but he had to find a way to save Sophia's life. He could not lose her. He needed her to be okay, so he began looking for ways to get into the mall without letting the man know he was in there. Dennis arrived at the same time as the police with his sons behind him. Noah and Danny took Shelby and Faith home. "No one goes in. Not until we get the suspect and the hostage out of the building" Samuel Taylor, the chief of police said to Dennis. "That's my granddaughter Sophia in there. Come on Sam, you have to let me inside. "I'm sorry but that is the way it has to be. If you go inside you could get her killed. Have you seen Shelby? She said she was going to he here today" Chief Taylor replied. Dennis and the Chief had been friends for a long time. Since Dennis had started working for Everette Montgomery. Since before Sam became Chief. 

Once Drew found a way inside the mall he found his way to the sports store that was directly across from the furniture store. He grabbed a bat from the rack as quietly as he could. He didn't want to let the man know he was in the  mall with them. Meanwhile Sophia stood in front of the man with a gun pointed at her. "Why are you doing this?" Sophia asked him. Her heart was racing, a nauseous feeling filled her stomach, and tears filled her eyes. "Your grandfather had my father killed. This is also my job. I'm gonna get the big bucks for this one" he replied with a smile. "Who wants you to kill me?" she asked as tears fell from her eyes. "Don't worry about that. Too bad this will really hurt Drew. Although he didn't think of that when he killed my father" the man laughed. "What makes you think that?" Sophia asked. "I know all about you. More than you think actually, and I've been watching you. I've seen how the two of you are around each other. Still keeping your relationship a secret?" he asked her. She did not answer his question, but she did respond. "Just please don't kill me" She cried. That's when she noticed Drew from across the store. 

She quickly looked back at the man so he did not notice Drew moving slowly and quietly towards them. "Sorry, but it's too late for begging" the man said. Just as he got ready to shoot Drew hit him over the head with the bat. Drew kicked at his unconscious body. "Son of a bitch" he said as he fired two shots into the man's head. "Are you okay?" he asked Sophia as  he pulled her into his arms. "Who was that?" she cried. "Ethan Hawthorne, I..." "You killed his father" Sophia said before he had the chance. "Orders from Dennis. He owed him a lot of money, and he never wanted to pay up" Drew replied. Just then the Willowbrook police force came through the door ready to save Sophia, and that's when they seen Drew and Sophia standing over the man's body. They were taken outside and questioned before being let go. "It's getting hard to turn the other way" Sam said to Dennis. "I know, but we have a deal" Dennis replied, before walking over and embracing his granddaughter. "I'm so glad your alright sweetheart" he said. "Me too, thanks to Drew, and I need to talk to you grandpa" Sophia replied. "And we will, but right now I have some business to take care of" Dennis said. He pulled Drew aside. "Take her home, and don't leave her side. Oh, and don't get any ideas like your buddy Noah. If you touch her I will kill you" he warned him. 

Later that night Sophia and Drew were in her room talking. She had been talking about her mother. About how her mother was her best friend and they were very close before her mother had developed a drinking problem after her sister died. That drove a wedge between the two of them and broke Sophia's heart. "So, what about your father were you close?" Drew asked her. "No, he left when I was a baby so I don't remember him. Sarah hardly remembered him, but I do have a picture of him and my mother. I took it from her stuff" Sophia said. She pulled a box of pictures out from underneath her bed and took out the picture. When Drew seen the picture his eyes drew wide in disbelief. "Soph that's Sebastian Hawthorne, that's Ethan's father. "So, you killed my father, and my brother tried to kill me" Sophia said in shock. 

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